Saturday, October 26, 2019

Language is all we have

     It's been an exciting week here at the Manor. Well, to be truthful, in the village.
     A couple of louts, wanting to mark there territory like a dog urinating on a post decided that it was a good idea to spray paint their gang nickname on the wall of a garage that they did not own, live, or live near. A man came out of his house and found the yobs spray painting their tag on his garage. When the man protested the poor minority youth thought is a good ideas to pull out a pistol and pop off a few shots at the home owner before running away. Fortunately the home owner was not injured, but a car and a wall were hit by the bullets. The result? The local constabulary, instead of investigating an attempted murder, makes the excuse of, "Ah! Youth! Ain't they just a silly bunch!"
     Now let us get down to cases.
     This week President Trump used the word "lynching" in reference to the impeachment investigation that the Democrats in Congress are conducting in regards to his position as President.
    And it was then, when the word "lynching" was used, that the poop hit the air conditioner. It was claimed that the word "lynch" could only be properly used by black people in referring to the lynching of black people. In their world only black people have ever been lynched despite the fact that teh word comes from an early American judge  (1700s) was the person from whom the word comes from, and at the time most people lynched were white pro-British Americans during the Revolution. And also forget that it was not uncommon for white cowboys in the old west to by lynched for robbery or horse theft. And, once again, down the memory hole goes the fact that in the late 1800s 13 Sicilians were lynched in New Orleans as a bunch in New Orleans or that Leo Frank was lynched on a false charge.
     The liberals and SJWs and the black lobby have decided that the word lynch is only properly used when it is used regarding black people. You, if not of European, Asian, Australian or South American cannot use the word. Only people who consider themselves of African heritage can use the word in reference to themselves.
     Now think of this: There is a group of people with a very large microphone who have decided that there is a word that originally had not racial connotation that you cannot use without without a racial connotation. These people want to limit your ability to express yourself in your way because they think you are using a word in a way that they don't like.
     They are babies who want a lollipop, but if the lollipop is not cherry instead of grape that means that you're a bad parent or uncle or auntie and should be reported to the Department of Family Services.
     They want to take away the words you use to express yourself and penalize you for using those words. They want to limit your freedom to say an unpopular thing. The words "Nigger", "Jap", "Beaner", "Flip", "Kraut", "Squarehead", "Limey" or "Frog" may be offensive to some. But guess what? Nobody ever died by being called by those words. At the same time the words "Honky", "Cracker", "Gaijin", "Gringo", "Wop", and "Banana", "Coconut" and "Oreo" are okay.
     There are two levels in the modern world. One is good, meaning the SJW world. The other is bad because the old is bad.
     Language is really all we have. It is a thing that is more powerful than guns or laws. And now we find ourselves in an age where our words are being policed by people who don't know the difference between "they're" and "their."

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