Saturday, October 19, 2019

Just nattering

     As usual, it's been a rather peaceful week here at Bloody Nib Manor. There were a couple of shooting incidents in the shire which did not make the news. But you know what they say about the news --- the unusual get reported and the normal is ignored.
     Have you wondered why the Democrats and the liberal Republicans are so upset that President Trump has decided to pull American troops out of northern Syria? The popular argument is that by doing so President Trump is abandoning the Kurds while the awful Turk Erdogen sends his forces into Syria, and breaking his promise (if said promise was made it was sub rosa and not public, and sub rosa promises are worth a 99 Cent Store drill motor) to the Kurds. The Middle Eastern mind is a very strange thing and it often sees things that are not there i.e., Mohammed's magical trip to Jerusalem while he was still in Arabia.
     But the question that must be addressed in this whole mess is what exactly do the Democrats and liberal Republicans want? Do they want a greater investment of blood, money and honor into the Syria with no return? Do they want a factual and actual geographic Kurdistan? How much blood, money and honor are they willing to invest in such a project? You can be pretty damn sure that their kids won't be doing the fighting, bleeding and dying. Their kids will be getting drunk at Harvard and Stanford while taking classes in gender studies and poli-sci. Waging useless wars is good for them. Such wars give them the support of the unthinking voter (follow the flag, boys!), and makes them a good deal of the long green slid to them by the base of the defense industry (firearms, uniforms, rations, etc.) The upper reaches of the defense industry can always sell their stuff to foreign governments for a lot of jack unless the product is super great and super expensive (paid for by the working class Yank) like the awful F-35, or super great and pretty cheap like the old Northrop F-20.
     The Kurds in Syria are a mixed bag. According to the mainstream media the Kurds are just a bunch of guys, who if they lived in the U.S., would come to your great barbecue of a whole pig and down a bunch of Miller High Life beers with you. But they aren't that. Many Kurds believe in a sharia governmental system. They don't believe in religious tolerance. They are as bothersome, in a modern Western sense, as a second generation Mohammedan living in London who demands that the local Oinkster BBQ restaurant stop serving shredding pork sandwiches because pork is not haram.
     And a lot of the hand wringing class spend their time bitching and moaning about the future of Christians in Syria without knowing or realizing that before the Arab Spring the Christians in Syria were doing well and prospering under the awful Assad. It was only during and after the onset of the Arab Spring (which really was a Fundamentalist Muslim Spring) that the Christians in Syria were under threat by ISIS. They have only themselves to blame. The Obama administration support the release of savages who had no more interest in republican and democratic forms of governance than did Lenin or Tamerlane.
     The crocodile tears concerning Christians in Syria are either fake or ignorant. If they were really concerned about the fate of Christians in Third World nations they would be demanding that the U.S. invade China where Christians are persecuted, jailed and murdered for no other reason that they are Christians, the African nations infested with Boko Haram where Christian villages and the inhabitants are destroyed, North Korea, Vietnam and so forth. There seems to be a hierarchy based on a nostalgic sense of the Holy Land. It's all stuff and nonsense in that the Dems and liberal Republicans are willing to invest blood and honor for one group of Christians and not another. If they were honest they would encourage refugee status for Christians from Syria, China, Africa and Vietnam. But they won't because, to them, Christians are bad within the boundries of the nation unless they are Latino, and thus, huggable and cheaply hired.
    But that's enough of that nonsense.
     Tulsi Gabbard, a U.S. representative from Hawaii, went after Hillary Clinton after Mrs. Clinton accused Rep. Gabbard of pretty much being a tool of the Russians in Ms. Gabbard's run for the presidential candidate.. Ms. Gabbard unleashed in a mighty way calling Mrs. Clinton a "warmonger" and a "rot in the Democratic party" and many Democrats got pretty upset because, to tell the truth, Ms. Gabbard revealed many of them for what they are and what Mrs. Clinton is. That bunch likes to cut back on defense spending while waging useless wars to "spread democracy". In other words, they want to invest the blood and lives of your kids and grandkids to spread democracy to people who have no interest in Western democracy. They talk about being inclusive and "we are the world", but they don't believe in inclusion or "we are the world." They want them to become us. And considering what "us" has become one cannot blame them for not wanting to becoming "us."
     As far as the "rot" bit goes. The Clintons, all three of them, are a rot in the nation is much the way that Muslims are a rot in the Western world. Everything they touch becomes poisonous because they are civil poison. They are akin to Hughey Long on a large scale. Ol' Bill has been on the quite lately. Perhaps because of the Jeffery Epstein thing. Or because his had of a wife told him to shut the Hell up and she'll give him a parade of young things to serve him. But she has gotten the upper hand over that lecher, and she's not been loath t use the whip. And because he wasn't man enough to rein her in, in fact because he was not strong enough to be a real husband to this hag, we have to put up with her nonsense, her delusions and her just sheer stupidity.
     ONe find oneself worrying for the future of the Republic when one thinks of such nonsense.


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