Have you, gentle reader, ever awoken from some sweet dream in which you live in some sort of Paradise only to fall out of bed and find that the world has become more silly and ridiculous, and because of the silliness and ridiculousness, has become a more dangerous place?
Of course you have. Anyone with more sense than a goose has. It's a daily occurrence.
So let's run down a few of the most silly, stupid and foolish matters that have become "serious" news by the "news" media.
In Great Britain a British subsidiary of Protector and Gamble has, until recently sold a brand of sanitary napkin for women on which the packaging features the astronomical symbol for Venus. The symbol is a circle with a cross at the bottom of the circle. It is a symbol that is used by many feminists on their silly marches. It is recognized as not only a symbol for the planet Venus, but is also used as a symbol, both medically, scientifically and popularly, as a symbol for a woman.
Well, a group of transexuals (this writer refuses to use the word "transgender" and would much rather use the word "tranny") and their allies have decided to pitch a bitch as many of the entitled often do because the Proctor and Gamble sanitary product for women to be used during their periods excludes men who claim to be women. Now think about this for about half a second. Women, natural born and real women, whether straight, lesbian, "transitioning" into men have periods unless they're anorexic or have spent too much time becoming "elite" athletes. But the fact of the matter that it is only people who have been born biological female who menstruate. To do so requires a uterus at the minimum.
No person who was born biologically male can menstruate. It doesn't matter if said born male has been taking female hormones for many years, had cosmetic surgery to make his private look like those of a woman, or had breast implants to make give him a bust that would shame Jayne Mansfield. That person may look like Jennifer Aniston or Monica Belluci or Audrey Hepburn. That person will never have a period and has no more need of a sanitary napkin than an iguana.
But because that crowd is as loud as a dozen roosters at dawn when one is trying to sleep off a night of drinking too much brandy, that bunch of screamers gets attention because they are, well, weird. No one in the media will admit that they are weird are weird and not normal. but they, themselves, really do think that that trannies are weird and not normal. If the televised news organizations thought that trannies were not weird they would have put a born man pretending to be a Barbie on television as a news reader. And the media push forward the transexual gag because it is good for those in the media to be accepting. It makes them feel good and accepting. But, in real life, they want to have no more to have to do with a bunch of men who demand that sanitary napkins be sold and marketed to them than you do. And that's because the media are "enlightened" and you are just some dumb rube walking around a local carnival looking at the freaks and trying to knock over the milk bottles with a ball. It's all a fixed game for that bunch of fraudsters.
If you, dear reader, has spent any time at all looking at the "news" over the past few days you'll know that Hillary Clinton accused Tulsi Gabbard of being a Russian agent of some sort and a woman who was going to set up a third party candidacy for a Presidential campaign, and thus dilute the votes for the Democrats, resulting the the re-election of Donald Trump. It was, really and in fact, a silly and stupid accusation by Mrs. Clinton. And it was also an indication that she, in her madness, thinks that she can, without going through the debate process among that bunch of hydrocephalics who are attempting to become the Democratic candidate for President, slide into the role in the same way that a rat or a termite can infest a house. Rep. Gabbard, unlike most of the Democratic aspirants for the position, pulled out her Purdy shotgun and let Mrs. Clinton have it with both barrels. Let us hope that she, while being a Democrat who is the best of a bad bunch, keeps her powder dry and is not loath to use her ammunition against just plain idiocy.
In the past this writer has been accused of writing things that some people find Islamophobic. Or course, like racism, the word Islamophobic has never been properly defined. And by properly defined this writer means not only defined by a dictionary or some sort, but also defined in the legal sense.
Your friend rejects the accusation of Islamophobia for the simple reason that the end of the word "phobia" in Latin means fear. Your writer has no fear of Islam, whether in physical fact or in theology . We here at Bloody Nib Manor consider Islam as foolish as Scientology or Mormonism.
No. This writer is not Islamophobic. But this writer does suffer from Islamonausea. He is sick of the demands and excuses of a bunch of people who adhere to an Arabian bandit who had visions.
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