Sunday, February 14, 2016

I Was Wrong. But Not As Wrong As Those With The Big Stick

     We here at Bloody Nib Manor are peaceful people. We like peace, love and happiness. And we want the same for the World. But when a poacher encroaches upon the estate  to steal our wild game or livestock we have no choice but to get out the shotgun, the hounds, and horse whip and search out those who have violated the sanctity of what is legally and morally ours and give them a sound thrashing despite the malefactor's pleading of poverty. After all, said malefactor receives from the State a monthly stipend that is about equal to the monthly income of the estate. And while we are not rich, we are not poor. He. or she, wants what we have. Not because he needs it- after all, how many people are making rabbit stew in Southern California to feed their starving children-- but because he or she wants it.
     And we have found that often such people are bullies of the worst sort. They beat their kids, wife, husband, brothers, sister, moms and dads just because they can do it an instill fear in those who depend upon them just because they can. They are like idiotic scientists who think, "Gee, if I can make a robot that is a better worker than a real human that would be a good thing despite the fact that my invention would throw many people out of work and drive them into poverty. And that would be a good thing because I did something that can be done and because I'll make a venture capitalist a whole lot of jack and I'll be hated by every wrench turner in the world."
     Now, to get down to brass tacks after this all too long introduction which is barely related to the point of this nonsense. Let us agree that the Assad family of Syria is a family of awful dictators and jerks. They are, as many leaders in Arab lands, not people you'd want to share grazing land with. In fact, to the average American, if an Assad patronized a certain Wal-Mart, said Wal-Mart would lose a lot of customers because that Wal-Mart would become known as the "Jerk Wal-Mart." Of course, "slipper people" would continue to patronize and steal from that location. But, you know "slipper people."
     So several years ago, during the "Arab Spring" the Syrian opposition (a group made up of about of as many groups as the average Democratic convention) decided that it would be a good thing to beg for guns and tanks from the West and make their pitch for an overthrow of the Assad regime. Of course, as is natural, Assad wanted to protect his pitch and started getting rough against those who wanted to overthrow him. Having sanctions placed against him by the West he started to improvise by dropping locally made bombs from helicopters, being a general bad-ass, and trying to destroy those who wanted to destroy him and his regime. And the West, being rather silly and short-sighted, and loving rebels (except in the case of the Confederates during the Civil War and the rebels in the Hungarian Revolution of the 1950s) decided to throw its support to the rebels despite what the rebels wanted or believed.
     The result was that the West ended up supporting a bunch of Islamic thugs and helped to spread the Isis ideology. After all, they were against the thug Assad and that was good. Until the Islamic militias and Isis got control of areas and the West found out that it was supporting thugs that were worse than Assad. Christians, Kurds (no great group of tolerance), Yazhidis and Muslim minorities have been killed and oppressed by the groups that the West has supported. Sites of historical Christian importance have been destroyed by the Islamic militias, whether by Isis or other groups. Syrians have been enslaved by the Mohammedan militias, whether Isis or not. Syrians have been killed by the Assad regime, and killed in spades by the Mohammedan militias.
     The West, while trying to remove the slow growing cancer of the Assad regime, has, in fact, lanced the tumor and allowed the poison to spread and metastasize into a more aggressive and faster spreading cancer.
     This writer, was, at first an anti-Assad thinker. But soon, after the State Department decided to support every damn "rebel" with an AK-47 saying that he was against Assad despite the fact that he was a Mohammedan supremacist of the worst sort, decided that Assad was a jerk and a creep, but he wasn't as much a jerk or creep as many of the groups who wanted to take down his regime.  Consider the fact that under the regimes of the Assads Christians, Yazhidis and minority Muslims were integrated into the larger Syrian society. Under the areas controlled by the Mohammedan rebels they are neither accepted nor protected. They are oppressed and persecuted.
     To paraphrase a saying from the 1950s, "Assad may be a jerk, But he's a better jerk than the alternative."
     Liberty and freedom are great and wonderful things to the West (at least until recently with all the SJW and "hate speech" nonsense), but one has to ask the question, "The freedom and liberty to do what? Be Nazis? Be Islamic supremacists? The right to oppress the other?" At worst Assad is a fascist of the Franco sort. His enemies are Mohammedan Nazis. What we are seeing in Syria is a Middle Eastern version of the Spanish Civil War, and for once, the Russians may be on the right side.

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