Have you ever heard Muslims talk about Christianity and wondered what kind of loco weed they had been smoking? They talk about our Faith with a sense of confidence as if they had read the Bible annually despite the fact that they've never touched the Good Book. And they say the silliest things. They say that the Trinity that Christians believe in is made up of God the Father, God the Son and the Virgin Mary. Actually they don't say those exact words. They say that Christians believe that believe the Trinity is made up of Allah, Jesus and Mary. They say that Jesus was never crucified and that right before the crucifixion Jesus pulled a great sleight of hand by somehow substituting Judas or some such body onto the cross moments before the nails were driven in. They do say that Our Lord was a prophet, but a prophet on a lower level than the Arabian merchant known as Mohammed.
Now, admittedly, most Christians (and non-Mohammedans and a lot of Mohammedans) don't know much about the Koran. But when Christians argue against Islam they use what amount of the Koran they do know, along with the various hadiths. Mohammedans don't use the New Testament to argue against Christianity. They use a version of Christianity outlined in Mohammed's rantings known as the Koran. So what Mohammedans know about Christianity is based on what Mohammed knew about Christianity. And that wasn't much.
Let us, for the sake of argument, make an analogy with the Star Wars movies. Christians are people who have seen the Star Wars movies. Mohammedans are people who have never seen the movies basing their knowledge of the films on a report by a man who never saw the movies. Their original source is a man who never ran across an orthodox Christian in his life. His only contact with anything that could be remotely called Christian was small pockets of gnostic and heretical Christians. In other words, he had based his knowledge of Star Wars on a group of people who saw Jar-Jar Binks as the movies. Then, after meeting with this crowd of Binksists he leaves them and never mentions Star Wars for some twenty-odd years. And after that period of time he starts writing his visions and mentions Star Wars and how he knows the films very well. This is what Mohammedans base their knowledge of our Faith upon. They don't care about what you believe. They care about what Mohammed believed that you believe. They know much less about Christianity than than the most hard-line Orthodox Jew does about Christianity or the most uneducated true Christian does about Temple Judaism. The Old Testament is part of the Christian Bible. Orthodox Jews know what Christians truly think, in faith, because they try to protect themselves from what they consider blood libel. Mohammedans only read the Koran: the rantings of an Arab trader, who lived off a wealthy older woman for years, with a taste for young flesh and violence.
Now, here's the thing. When one is faced with a Mohammedan who is trying to explain to a Christian what that Christian believes, the Christian has to keep in mind that one is being faced with a person who one is faced with a person who is reading Cliff's Notes written by a guy who has never read the books.
And to refute the Mohammed nonsense all one has to do is ask the Mohammedan is where Mohammed received his authority to be a prophet. The Islamic will reply that it's predicted in the Old Testament (which it isn't). And then all one has to say to our friendly Omar is, but you, and the Koran, say that the Old Testament is corrupt. In other words, your prophet's authority is based on a text that your prophet said was corrupt. Maybe you should rethink your religious beliefs.
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