Be it known that your faithful correspondent and his lovely wife do love and appreciate antiquities. To us antiquities are physical remnants of times past. We often think as literature and music as the marks of a civilization, but, in fact, the physical remains of a civilization reflect the lives of the common man better than do literature or song. We have such works as Ovid reflecting a sort of Roman life, but Pompeii and its remains or the catacombs of Rome much better reflect the lives and concerns of the average Roman of the time.
Having said that, let it be known that we here at Bloody Nib Manor value the lives of people over the preservation of antiquities.
This week the UN and a couple of other historicists have pitched a bitch about ISIS destroying some antiquities in Palmyra. Heretofore these eggheads have been pretty silent about about the killings and rapes of innocent Christians, Yezhidis and Muslims prepretrated by ISIS. In other words, they are more concerned about pieces of rock, stone, gold, silver and wood than they are about human lives. They are, in a sense, the worst of the Hebrews who built the Golden Calf (and if they did find the Golden Calf they would worship it). This bunch of egghead idiots are more concerned about a statue being destroyed than the lives of many people being destroyed. In a real world, and not a world infected with academicism, these fools would be sent to an island far, far away where they can practice their mental masturbation without having the rest of us listen to their nonsense. They say that you are killing the world by firing up a Camel straight while they are saving the world by saving a bloody statue while a Christian girl is raped and then killed by a barbarian.
God help us all for putting up with this nonsense.
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