Saturday, August 22, 2015

Free Speech

     We here at Bloody Nib Manor often find ourselves pondering (when we aren't verbally abusing the maids or kicking the gardeners in the bum) what Progressives mean when they say that they are Progressive. What are they Progressing from? What are they Progressing to? And do they mean that while they are on this journey of Progresseivism does that mean that they expect us to Progress with them? Good luck on that, comrade.
     After, when not cleaning his elephant rifle or sleeping off a VSOP indulgence, your faithful correspondent has given some thought to this matter. The only answer that he can give is that Progressives are progressing from freedom to totalitarianism. In other words, a march from 2015 to 1984 or from Jolity Farm to Animal Farm.
     Consider the matter of freedom of speech. One can not even use the word "midget" without some height deprived person jumping up in an attempt to punch one in the button. One wonders when old re-runs of McHale's Navy will be banned because the sailors on the program used the word "nip" instead of Japanese or John Wayne's WW II movies being banned because of the use of the word "Jap."
     It's all silly and stupid and a brouhaha created by people who have nothing better with their lives than bitch about what other people say or think. These people, in a real world where men and women worked for livings instead of sat at desks and pretended to be "thinkers", would be working in coal mines, machine shops, at drafting tables or at sewing machines instead of sitting around and trying to figure out a new bitch to pitch about. Luxury creates one of two things; a defense of luxury or a denigration of luxury because of some sort of misplaced identification with the unwashed masses. The latter really aren't interested in bringing up the polis. They'd rather pull down the uppers. After all, it's easier, as evinced by ISIS, Red China and Soviet Russia, that it's much easier to pull down that build.
     The Progressive leisure class wants a My Little Pony world. And they are more than willing to have you sacrifice your rights in order for them to have their silly dream. The Progressives want not only your money and time, they want your words and thoughts. And they will lie cheat and steal to be "honest" and "compassionate."
      Read this:

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