For the past few months your faithful correspondent has been reading news accounts about poor, benighted "refugees" from North Africa and parts of the Middle East basically invading the shores of Europe. Usually these people have arrived in fairly large boats or small ships, and by the time the boat or ship is noticed it is about five to ten miles off the shores or Greece, Italy, Sicily, France or Spain. And, with no exception, the boat is out of fuel and the people have no food or water. Europeans, being the saps and nice people they are, usually pull the boats to shore, place the "refugees" in camps of some sort and the "refugees" escape the camps and try to get to the interior of Europe or to Great Britain; and then, the Europeans, being the saps and nice people they are, place the people into other camps, from which the "refugees" escape and try to blend into the neighborhoods of their cohorts in Birmingham or Paris or Tournai and are soon sucking off the government teat and demanding that the natives destroy their pig statues on the front lawn, or that bacon not be sold at the local Tesco because it's not halal. (Thank you the spirit of John Owen for helping me to write such a long sentence, but one that is much shorter than any of yours were).
Now let us understand that this writer considers the only true refugees from the Middle East or North Africa to be Christian refugees. The others are economic refugees in the same way that Mexican or Central American illegal aliens are not looking for a sort of freedom or liberty, but they are looking to make money to send home. And be it known that this writer sympathizes with economic refugees. But the problems of their nations are their problems and not our problems. They have votes, they have guns, they can revolt. Their economic problem is not our problem and the economic problems of a crappy life in Libya or Syria is not Europe's problem.
If the Europeans had any damn sense, once a boat of poor benighted Somalis or Syrians was spotted off the shores of a European nation were the Coast Guards of said nation would speed out to the boat, lash the boat to the Coast Guard ship and then start towing it back to where the boat came from while throwing bread and water to the people on the boat. And once within ten miles of the place of origin a ten gallon can of gas or diesel would be thrown to the boat and the boat cut loose.
What the European elite (and the elite only think of their own well-being and not the well-being of their nations, as do the American elite; Hey! Cheap gardeners, nannies and maids) don't realize is that they are sowing the seeds of the destructions of their own nations. They seem to think that if they will identify themselves with the modern version of the sans-coulottes in they and their families will be spared the guillotine of Islamism while everyone else gets the chop before they do.
Consider the fact that there are several European nations, as well as Great Britain, that have official state churches supported by the government; Germany, Norway, Sweden, Finland. And that several other countries are considered by default to be Roman Catholic: Spain, France, Italy. With every entry of a Muslim, and these nations are all too eager to accept every Musselman that can stand, the nation becomes less Christian. Let's face the fact that most European nations are barely Christian. But there is, by the scent of an earlier Christian society, something that still influences those nations with a Christian ethos despite the nonsense of same sex marriage. Heretofore Europe has abandoned the Faith because of an evil Germanic and French existentialism. But the abandonment is to the aggressive Islam what an abandoned house is to a house wrecker: something to be knocked down and replaced by something worse.
The real question is this: Is your nation worth being a nation? Is your culture worth saving? Life's often a rotten bitch sometimes and occasionally one has to do things that seem cruel or uncaring to survive. And sometimes the thing that seemed to be cruel and hard against another person is really the best thing for that person.
But, hey! What does this writer know? He's just a racist white guy.
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