Sunday, January 01, 2012

The New Year

We here at the Manor are not given to making New Years resolutions, but this writer has decided to make a resolution to be a little more upbeat and humorous this coming year. Let's face it. This year is an election year and promises for this reason alone to be nothing but depressing. Plus one has the Iranian acting like Iranians, the Chinese acting like Chinese and the Norks acting like the crazy uncle deciding that the attic would look better if it were on the ground floor.
So to start things right your faithful correspondent offers these stories about animals in war and animal heroes:
File:LostBattalionMonument.JPG - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Animals In War Memorial - The Animals In War Memorial - Park Lane, London

Churchill's mission to rescue the war horses and how he made officials bring tens of thousands home | Mail Online

Dickin Medal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It makes one wonder if animals are not better than us.

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