Those of any age may recall the days of the "Black Liberation Movement." This was back in the days when black men wearing berets were free to walk the streets of cities carrying long guns with the excuse that they were fighting against the oppression of The Man, while a white man loading his 30.06 into his pick-up truck in preparation for a deer hunting trip was descended upon by the local constabulary and regarded (as directed by the local or state officials who thought any white man with a gun was up to no good) as suspicious and. perhaps "Anti-Negro."
During that time it was not particularly unusual for a liberal white woman to hook herself up with a revolutionary Black man. Those outside the politically correct circle called it "Jungle Fever." And some of those women suffered rape from those men they intended to help and some of them suffered death. This writer asks the reader to consult David Horowitz's journey toward conservatism.
This is not to say that all black men will rape white women if given the opportunity. But it is to say that it is not unusual for men to rape (at the minimum) a woman of the race that that the "oppressed" race sees as the oppressor.
The following three links illustrate the problem that is encountered by silly women who have no idea of the characters and ethics of those they are supporting:
Gates of Vienna: Peace Through Rape
Gates of Vienna: Peace Through Rape, Part 2
Gates of Vienna: Falsely Understood Tolerance
One is reminded of the John LeCarre' novel Little Drummer Girl. Although LeCarre' may not have intended it, the novel illustrates the naivete' of the liberal woman who is a virus in the auto-immune disease that infects the West and doesn't realize it.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
The Religion of Peace
If the reader depends on the national mainstream media for news about the religion of peace, the reader probably hasn't heard this story. And this story takes place in the Pacific Northwest of the United States:
‘We Wish Her the Best’? Cartoonist, Threatened by Islamists, Disappears
‘We Wish Her the Best’? Cartoonist, Threatened by Islamists, Disappears
It's Come to This
Any right thinking person knows that the United Nations has been, for at least 50 years, a pretty useless organization. It has shown itself to be nest of the politically naive or radical. In other words, became New Age before New Age was cool and politically correct before the term was invented.
Now we have this:
United Nations to appoint space ambassador to act as first contact for aliens visiting Earth | Mail Online
Now we have this:
United Nations to appoint space ambassador to act as first contact for aliens visiting Earth | Mail Online
Could It Be?
We often hear, through the mainstream media and Islamic apologists, about something called "Moderate Muslims". The only public moderate Muslims that this writer is aware of is the late Ali Khan (who was once married to Rita Hayworth and was the spiritual leader of a small Muslim sect) and the the current Miss America (a lovely young woman who seems to realize that classical Islam is a losing and soul killing proposition).
This past week another moderate Muslim has come to the fore:
Is Islam About to Collapse? Egyptian Scholar Says ‘Yes’
On another tangent, this writer would like to remind those readers who are Christian that our salvation comes not through the government. Christ did not say that our rulers are salt and light. He said that he and the church (the church triumphant) are salt and light.
Let us hope and pray that Islam collapses, or at least undergoes a true Reformation. Better yet, let us pray that Muslims see the light and realize that salvation comes through Christ; not an epileptic, pedophililiac desert mystic.
This past week another moderate Muslim has come to the fore:
Is Islam About to Collapse? Egyptian Scholar Says ‘Yes’
On another tangent, this writer would like to remind those readers who are Christian that our salvation comes not through the government. Christ did not say that our rulers are salt and light. He said that he and the church (the church triumphant) are salt and light.
Let us hope and pray that Islam collapses, or at least undergoes a true Reformation. Better yet, let us pray that Muslims see the light and realize that salvation comes through Christ; not an epileptic, pedophililiac desert mystic.
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Old Days in L.A.
While your faithful correspondent was mowing the lawn here at Nib Manor it occurred to him that one of the things that has changed in Southern California the no one mentions is the watering of lawns.
Back in the day when this writer was a sprite the usual watering routine for tract houses was the laying out of a hose and a sprinkler on a lawn of Bermuda or rye grass. No working man expected his lawn to be a green verdant carpet. One watered one's lawn to keep the dormant grass from dying.
During high summer it was not unusual for the working man to lay out a hose and some sort of sprinkler on his lawn during the heat of the day and turn on the water. This usually resulted in the neighborhood kids running through the sprinkler to keep cool. In those days the householder sat on his front porch, perhaps with a friend or two and a six pack of Lucky Lager or Hamm's, and watch a rotary sprinkler water what appeared to be dry and dead grass. Those of a literary bent may recall Raymond Chandler's description of a sprinkler in high summer watering yellow grass.
In those days it was expected that grass turned yellow in the summer and that only those freaks who planted dicondra on their front lawns expected year round greenery; and even those guys were pulling the Rainbird and hose out to water the lawn.
Some years ago the grass known as tall fescue came into favor and householders invested in sprinkler systems and it became a norm that lawn were green year round and kids did not run through sprinklers (because sprinklers are usually set to fire off at about 5 in the morning.
It's just not right. It's not L.A. It's some sort of East Coast nonsense. If one cannot have kids running through one's sprinklers on a hot day what's the use of sprinkling?
Back in the day when this writer was a sprite the usual watering routine for tract houses was the laying out of a hose and a sprinkler on a lawn of Bermuda or rye grass. No working man expected his lawn to be a green verdant carpet. One watered one's lawn to keep the dormant grass from dying.
During high summer it was not unusual for the working man to lay out a hose and some sort of sprinkler on his lawn during the heat of the day and turn on the water. This usually resulted in the neighborhood kids running through the sprinkler to keep cool. In those days the householder sat on his front porch, perhaps with a friend or two and a six pack of Lucky Lager or Hamm's, and watch a rotary sprinkler water what appeared to be dry and dead grass. Those of a literary bent may recall Raymond Chandler's description of a sprinkler in high summer watering yellow grass.
In those days it was expected that grass turned yellow in the summer and that only those freaks who planted dicondra on their front lawns expected year round greenery; and even those guys were pulling the Rainbird and hose out to water the lawn.
Some years ago the grass known as tall fescue came into favor and householders invested in sprinkler systems and it became a norm that lawn were green year round and kids did not run through sprinklers (because sprinklers are usually set to fire off at about 5 in the morning.
It's just not right. It's not L.A. It's some sort of East Coast nonsense. If one cannot have kids running through one's sprinklers on a hot day what's the use of sprinkling?
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Republicans Eating Their Young
The two entrenched political parties in the United States remind this writer of the legend of Saturn. Those, who took Greek mythology in high school, will remember that Saturn was in the habit of eating his own offspring in order to protect his position as Master of the Universe. And eventually, by some strange twist of fate that only happens in Greek mythology, Zeus, Poseidon and Hades overthrew Saturn and took over the store.
The Democrats eat their more conservative members, which is not strange since the Democrat party, in it's autoimmune affliction, is ever trending left-ward. One soon expects to see the image of Norman Thomas along with that of Jefferson and the later Roosevelt as heroes of its movement.
The Republicans, on the other hand, have, since the days of Ronald Reagan ("The 11th commandment is 'Thou Shalt Speak No Ill of Another Republican'") have played the Big Tent game. Those days are gone.
The Tea Party Movement has shown the lie. The establishment Republicans, the Republican elite and the white shoe Republicans have found the Tea Party Movement to be a threat and they don't like it. The Tea Party Republicans have put into action, as well as they can, the ideas mouthed by the establishment Republicans. And the elites are panicking and are trying to eat their young.
It was Sarah Palin that first set off in the days before the Tea Party Movement. While they nominated Palin as Vice-Presidential candidate in 2008, they expected her to be a meek and kowtowing partner to the lying John McCaine and to be a sop to Republican women. When it turned out that she was more popular among the grunts who cast votes than their "Hero", they panicked and started, under their breath, the slut and nut campaign in a way that played right into the hands of the Wrong Party. Palin was either a slut, because she was/is an attractive woman with nice legs, or she was a nut because she was/is a Christian.
This past Tuesday there was a primary in which Christine O'Donnell was chosen by Republican voters as their candidate for the Senatorial race in Delaware despite the fact that the Republican establishment preferred Mike Castle. Castle was a Republican of the McCaine sort i.e., let us come and reason together and I'll give you whatever you want if you like me. Mrs. O'Donnell was the Tea Party candidate and the establishment Republicans wasted no time in playing the slut and nut game on her. She's cute (if the reader likes that type) and is thus, in the ER opinion, dumb, and she's a damn kook because she holds to traditional Christian values and that she admitted in the past, during high school, dabbled in a form of witchcraft (who of us in high school has not done something that we would rather forget? Just look at your senior yearbook photograph.).
That Republican puppetmaster, Karl Rove, wasted no time pounding on Mrs. O'Donnell and then had the gall to say in an intereview that he was a big fan of the Tea Party Movement. Remember that this slug was the architect of George W. Bush's position on illegal aliens (otherwise known as amnesty).
The ERs cry that they want to put Republicans in office and want to run electable Republicans instead of kooks. In many case an electable Republican is a Democrat light. The ERs do not stand for conservativism. They stand for expediency. They stand for their position in society and in the body politic even if they have to bend over and take a long and thick hard one from the Dems. In other words, and to be very vulgar, the ERs would rather suck Democrat c**k and have their Lincoln Continentals and mini-mansions rather than stand up for the principles of the Consitution and liberty and drive Kias and live in tract houses as do the Tea Partyers.
Hell, the Established Republican Party has not even bothered to run a candidate in the Congressional district that encompasses Nib Manor in many years. Well, to be more correct, there has been a Republican candidate, but the candidate has nor received the support of the Republican Party. The Establishment Republicans have written off this district and thus, we here at the Manor have not been truly represented in Congress. We have been represented by a representative for illegal aliens.
It's all about money with the ERs. Principles take third place. The perfect example is Meg Whitman. She's not a conservative, but she has money and she is the Republican candidate for governor of the state of California. She has money. She'll probably defeat the Gollum known as Jerry Brown. And she is electable instead of principled.
Here's the deal. One has to ask oneself whether one is willing to whore oneself out by voting for an "electable" instead of a person of principle.
The Established Republican Party holds toward the former. The Tea Party Movement holds toward the latter. It will only be when we of the truly conservative and Tea Party work and work and work until we have wins based on principle instead of expediency that we will be able to announce ourselves as Zeus, Poseidon and Hades and that the Saturn that is the present Republican Party is cast of into the cosmos.
The Democrats eat their more conservative members, which is not strange since the Democrat party, in it's autoimmune affliction, is ever trending left-ward. One soon expects to see the image of Norman Thomas along with that of Jefferson and the later Roosevelt as heroes of its movement.
The Republicans, on the other hand, have, since the days of Ronald Reagan ("The 11th commandment is 'Thou Shalt Speak No Ill of Another Republican'") have played the Big Tent game. Those days are gone.
The Tea Party Movement has shown the lie. The establishment Republicans, the Republican elite and the white shoe Republicans have found the Tea Party Movement to be a threat and they don't like it. The Tea Party Republicans have put into action, as well as they can, the ideas mouthed by the establishment Republicans. And the elites are panicking and are trying to eat their young.
It was Sarah Palin that first set off in the days before the Tea Party Movement. While they nominated Palin as Vice-Presidential candidate in 2008, they expected her to be a meek and kowtowing partner to the lying John McCaine and to be a sop to Republican women. When it turned out that she was more popular among the grunts who cast votes than their "Hero", they panicked and started, under their breath, the slut and nut campaign in a way that played right into the hands of the Wrong Party. Palin was either a slut, because she was/is an attractive woman with nice legs, or she was a nut because she was/is a Christian.
This past Tuesday there was a primary in which Christine O'Donnell was chosen by Republican voters as their candidate for the Senatorial race in Delaware despite the fact that the Republican establishment preferred Mike Castle. Castle was a Republican of the McCaine sort i.e., let us come and reason together and I'll give you whatever you want if you like me. Mrs. O'Donnell was the Tea Party candidate and the establishment Republicans wasted no time in playing the slut and nut game on her. She's cute (if the reader likes that type) and is thus, in the ER opinion, dumb, and she's a damn kook because she holds to traditional Christian values and that she admitted in the past, during high school, dabbled in a form of witchcraft (who of us in high school has not done something that we would rather forget? Just look at your senior yearbook photograph.).
That Republican puppetmaster, Karl Rove, wasted no time pounding on Mrs. O'Donnell and then had the gall to say in an intereview that he was a big fan of the Tea Party Movement. Remember that this slug was the architect of George W. Bush's position on illegal aliens (otherwise known as amnesty).
The ERs cry that they want to put Republicans in office and want to run electable Republicans instead of kooks. In many case an electable Republican is a Democrat light. The ERs do not stand for conservativism. They stand for expediency. They stand for their position in society and in the body politic even if they have to bend over and take a long and thick hard one from the Dems. In other words, and to be very vulgar, the ERs would rather suck Democrat c**k and have their Lincoln Continentals and mini-mansions rather than stand up for the principles of the Consitution and liberty and drive Kias and live in tract houses as do the Tea Partyers.
Hell, the Established Republican Party has not even bothered to run a candidate in the Congressional district that encompasses Nib Manor in many years. Well, to be more correct, there has been a Republican candidate, but the candidate has nor received the support of the Republican Party. The Establishment Republicans have written off this district and thus, we here at the Manor have not been truly represented in Congress. We have been represented by a representative for illegal aliens.
It's all about money with the ERs. Principles take third place. The perfect example is Meg Whitman. She's not a conservative, but she has money and she is the Republican candidate for governor of the state of California. She has money. She'll probably defeat the Gollum known as Jerry Brown. And she is electable instead of principled.
Here's the deal. One has to ask oneself whether one is willing to whore oneself out by voting for an "electable" instead of a person of principle.
The Established Republican Party holds toward the former. The Tea Party Movement holds toward the latter. It will only be when we of the truly conservative and Tea Party work and work and work until we have wins based on principle instead of expediency that we will be able to announce ourselves as Zeus, Poseidon and Hades and that the Saturn that is the present Republican Party is cast of into the cosmos.
A Realization
The other day this writer came to a realization. The scales fell from his eyes and he could finally see.
The realization is this:
Liberals are an autoimmune disease on the body politic.
The reader has probably realized this fact, but there it is.
The realization is this:
Liberals are an autoimmune disease on the body politic.
The reader has probably realized this fact, but there it is.
Men in Hats

So, to get to the point, the beret, in the United States, is usually considered the headgear of the beatnik, the weird-o, expatriate Hungarians, the artist and men who just not quite get into wearing caps and hats.
Let it be known to the reader that your faithful correspondent has worn a beret at his work place for many years, The value of the beret in a machine shop is that it protects one's head from dripping machine oil and flying metal chips. For the non-machinist the beret serves to keep the head warm in the winter and to give the wearer a certain elan that a ball cap or pinched front cap cannot match. The beret is easily storable and can be stuffed into one's back pocket while not wearing it at a bistro, or slid through the epaulet or one's trench coat while interviewing a old leader in Eastern Europe.
The best berets are offered in three different sizes. By sizes the writer does not mean hat size. The size in question refers to the size of the widest part of the beret. The smallest size looks somewhat like a Girl Scout beret. The largest size looks like a nineteenth century French painter's beret -- very floppy. The norm is a medium size as is shown in the photo of the crazy old coot at the top of this edition.
The advantage of the beret is that one can more or less shape it to one's personality. Some pull the excess fabric forward giving a bit of a determined type look. Some pull the excess fabric back and wear the beret as did Che Guevara (as an aside, it should be a national policy that if anyone be seen in public wearing a Che tee-shirt in public, that person should be shot right in the silver star of the beret of the tee-shirt. Guevara was a monster of the worst sort). Some wears pull the beret to the side while others, as the old coot above, believe in the circle mode of wear.
The best berets are made with lanolin rich wool and should really never be washed and only very carefully dry cleaned at the worst. The best way to clean them is to brush them off and only clean the headband. To wash a beret is to destroy the rain repellent quality of the beret. A good beret should have a proper integral headband. Those without headbands are cheap and will not last a year. The best headbands are of leather, but Kangol makes a decent beret with a grosgrain headband.
For summer wear in hot climates there are crocheted cotton berets available. The best are made in Canada and are available in many colors. The cotton berets do not have headbands, but they are long lasting berets.
In a pinch, one can were a Rastafarian style toque. The mass market versions of these toques are usually made in Guatemala, and are usually made featuring patterns using red, yellow and black as colors. This writer, for years, wore a toque with a pattern based on the Grateful Dead's Lighting Skull logo in red, white and blue. The only problem with the toque is that people assume one is a pothead or Reggae fan, and that they are a bit heavy. But they do last a long time.
So, if you're not into wearing a proper hat and don't want to look like a goon or adolescent by wearing a ball cap, consider the beret. At first some people may think that you're some sort of beatnik wannbe, but after a while they'll realize that you, in your own way, are running with the bulls.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Big Lizard Speaks
While we here at the Manor think that the the whole burning of the Koran was pretty much a waste of time and lighter fluid, Big Lizard has a thoughtful take on the whole deal:
Big Lizards:Blog:Entry “Bottoming Out: the Commonest Manifesto”
Big Lizards:Blog:Entry “Bottoming Out: the Commonest Manifesto”
A Good Question
Michelle Malkin asks a good question concerning teh memorial at Ground Zero:
Michelle Malkin » 9/12: America’s monumental shame
Michelle Malkin » 9/12: America’s monumental shame
Asylum or No?
This is interesting:
Saudi Diplomat Seeking Asylum: ‘My life is in danger’
The question is, since this man was a spokesman for a regime that has proven itself to be cruel and barbaric for many years, does he deserve to be given asylum? He was part of the government. He was an apologist for the government. His job was to excuse barbaric acts perpetrated by his government. Now that he's been outed as a homosexual and a close friend of a Jewish woman (gasp!) by the government that he represented, he feels danger.
Is there a reason that he should not be sent back to the desert kingdom to face the music he helped to compose?
Saudi Diplomat Seeking Asylum: ‘My life is in danger’
The question is, since this man was a spokesman for a regime that has proven itself to be cruel and barbaric for many years, does he deserve to be given asylum? He was part of the government. He was an apologist for the government. His job was to excuse barbaric acts perpetrated by his government. Now that he's been outed as a homosexual and a close friend of a Jewish woman (gasp!) by the government that he represented, he feels danger.
Is there a reason that he should not be sent back to the desert kingdom to face the music he helped to compose?
We're Investing Blood and Toil for These Idiots?
Terry Jones did not burn the Koran, but, despite the easy access of information, the Afghanis seem not to have gotten the word. Three days of rioting.
Two Afghans killed as Koran protests simmer - Yahoo! News
Perhaps we should withdraw our troops, build a wall around the place and annually napalm the opium poppy fields.
Two Afghans killed as Koran protests simmer - Yahoo! News
Perhaps we should withdraw our troops, build a wall around the place and annually napalm the opium poppy fields.
Soft Islam?
This afternoon after your faithful correspondent returned from church, he turned on the television set and watched a bit of a PBS program hosted by Robert Abernathy dealing with religion and society. This particular episode dealt with Mohammedans in America and how they are "misunderstood." In fact, the program posited that most Mohammedans in the world are misunderstood by the Infidel.
The one bright spot in the program was a black American Islamic leader who urged the members of his mosque to quell the radical talk and appreciate the fact that in the United States they have more freedom than they ever did in their home countries. He was working, in his own manner, to make the members of his mosque, understand why the average American looks at them askance and don't like them much. This man appeared to be the one moderate Mohammedan that the media loves writing about.
The darkest spot of the program was a sock puppet who teaches at Notre Dame who sang the same old song about the Koran being misunderstood and that the state of the economy is the main reason that Americans dislike our Orc brothers and sisters. In fact, the man stated that the leery attitude of the average Yank towards Islam is of the same level of mindless prejudice as the that of Americans against the Irish in the 1850s and the Italians in the 1890s.
The difference, of course, is that neither Ireland nor Italy, waged war on the US. And the Roman Catholic Church, while refusing to recognize national boundaries, in the theological sense, never called for the overthrow of the American Democratic Republic system of government.
The United States has been at war with Islam since the Barbary Wars. Europe has been at war with Islam since the 8th century. The wars have not ended. Islam refuses to stop waging war against Infidels. When one regards the treatment of non-Muslims in Muslim countries it is clear that Islam allows no room for any religion but itself. Consider the Bahais (a form of Unitarian/Reformist Islam) in Iran and the Arab countries, the treatment of Jews in Arab countries, the treatment of Christians in Arab nations, the treatment of Buddhists and Hindus in Islamic dominated areas of South Asia. What has happened is that the West, because of a softening of the culture, has stopped fighting and has tried to reason with the unreasonable. This is tantamount with trying to reason with a while one's leg is being gnawed upon instead of taking a baseball bat to said dog's head when threatened. One doesn't have to kill it, but one has to deter it's enthusiasm for killing one, and urging it to go back to it's own yard and eat its own young.
This writer urges the read to peruse this article by Andrew McCarthy. Mr. McCarthy was, at one time, a federal prosecutor and he has much experience with Islamists:
Imagining Islam - Article - National Review Online
The one bright spot in the program was a black American Islamic leader who urged the members of his mosque to quell the radical talk and appreciate the fact that in the United States they have more freedom than they ever did in their home countries. He was working, in his own manner, to make the members of his mosque, understand why the average American looks at them askance and don't like them much. This man appeared to be the one moderate Mohammedan that the media loves writing about.
The darkest spot of the program was a sock puppet who teaches at Notre Dame who sang the same old song about the Koran being misunderstood and that the state of the economy is the main reason that Americans dislike our Orc brothers and sisters. In fact, the man stated that the leery attitude of the average Yank towards Islam is of the same level of mindless prejudice as the that of Americans against the Irish in the 1850s and the Italians in the 1890s.
The difference, of course, is that neither Ireland nor Italy, waged war on the US. And the Roman Catholic Church, while refusing to recognize national boundaries, in the theological sense, never called for the overthrow of the American Democratic Republic system of government.
The United States has been at war with Islam since the Barbary Wars. Europe has been at war with Islam since the 8th century. The wars have not ended. Islam refuses to stop waging war against Infidels. When one regards the treatment of non-Muslims in Muslim countries it is clear that Islam allows no room for any religion but itself. Consider the Bahais (a form of Unitarian/Reformist Islam) in Iran and the Arab countries, the treatment of Jews in Arab countries, the treatment of Christians in Arab nations, the treatment of Buddhists and Hindus in Islamic dominated areas of South Asia. What has happened is that the West, because of a softening of the culture, has stopped fighting and has tried to reason with the unreasonable. This is tantamount with trying to reason with a while one's leg is being gnawed upon instead of taking a baseball bat to said dog's head when threatened. One doesn't have to kill it, but one has to deter it's enthusiasm for killing one, and urging it to go back to it's own yard and eat its own young.
This writer urges the read to peruse this article by Andrew McCarthy. Mr. McCarthy was, at one time, a federal prosecutor and he has much experience with Islamists:
Imagining Islam - Article - National Review Online
The World Survived
On this Sunday, September 12 in the year of Our Lord 2010, this writer awoke to find that the world has survived despite the prophecies of sure destruction by those wringing their hands over the proposed burning of the Koran by one Pastor Terry Jones of Florida.
This fact may have something to do with the fact that Jones, decided not to burn the Koran after getting a new directive from God. It seems to your faithful correspondent that his original idea to burn the Koran was inspired by a whisper in his ear from the Almighty. Who knew that God was so indecisive?
But others burned Korans on September 11, but nothing much happened except a little more pollution in the air and a little more anger from people living in countries that nobody in his right mind wants to have anything to do with. In other words.
The President made a mealy-mouthed speech remembering and "honoring" the attack on 9/11/01, and it was pretty weak beer. But what can one expect from a man who believes in nothing but his own greatness? Think of George Armstrong Custer without the bravery, dash and boldness. But the One will, if given the chance, lead the nation into a metaphorical Little Big Horn and it will be unlikely if even a metaphorical horse named Comanche survives.
This writer, as any casual reader of this blog is well aware, is no expert on Islam. He has not done any deep and serious study of the religion and culture. His opinions are based on information received by various news organizations, scholars and opinion makers. And his opinions are colored by his Christianity. So the reader can take or leave this writer's opinions and decision to post various links.
Having said that, this writer has been favored by comments concerning several posts by Trencherbone. Having read Trencherbone's blog, your faithful correspondent can do nothing less than recommend the reader to read Trencherbone's blog. His insights and comments are valuable and show a degree of knowledge concerning Mohammedism far beyond that of this writer. There is a link to his blog on the right side of this page, and here is a link if the reader does not feel up to moving a cursor:
This fact may have something to do with the fact that Jones, decided not to burn the Koran after getting a new directive from God. It seems to your faithful correspondent that his original idea to burn the Koran was inspired by a whisper in his ear from the Almighty. Who knew that God was so indecisive?
But others burned Korans on September 11, but nothing much happened except a little more pollution in the air and a little more anger from people living in countries that nobody in his right mind wants to have anything to do with. In other words.
The President made a mealy-mouthed speech remembering and "honoring" the attack on 9/11/01, and it was pretty weak beer. But what can one expect from a man who believes in nothing but his own greatness? Think of George Armstrong Custer without the bravery, dash and boldness. But the One will, if given the chance, lead the nation into a metaphorical Little Big Horn and it will be unlikely if even a metaphorical horse named Comanche survives.
This writer, as any casual reader of this blog is well aware, is no expert on Islam. He has not done any deep and serious study of the religion and culture. His opinions are based on information received by various news organizations, scholars and opinion makers. And his opinions are colored by his Christianity. So the reader can take or leave this writer's opinions and decision to post various links.
Having said that, this writer has been favored by comments concerning several posts by Trencherbone. Having read Trencherbone's blog, your faithful correspondent can do nothing less than recommend the reader to read Trencherbone's blog. His insights and comments are valuable and show a degree of knowledge concerning Mohammedism far beyond that of this writer. There is a link to his blog on the right side of this page, and here is a link if the reader does not feel up to moving a cursor:
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Do You Hate Muslims?
Several times in the past this writer has been asked the question: "Do you hate Muslims?"
The answer is this:
This writer does not hate Muslims. This writer hates Islam. This writer is of the opinion that Islam is a false and Satanic religion. Whether or not poor suckers sign on to Islam just shows that all too many people are stupid suckers.
The answer is this:
This writer does not hate Muslims. This writer hates Islam. This writer is of the opinion that Islam is a false and Satanic religion. Whether or not poor suckers sign on to Islam just shows that all too many people are stupid suckers.
The Ground Zero Mosque
When one compares the speeches by Pres. Geo Bush and The One at Ground Zero one can see how far we, as a nation, have fallen. The One almost apologizes.
But to get to the point. Here's an analysis of the main Orc who wants to build the mosque:
Alyssa A. Lappen
But to get to the point. Here's an analysis of the main Orc who wants to build the mosque:
Alyssa A. Lappen
Sunday, September 05, 2010
Orcs on the March
We here at the Manor have been watching with interest the developments of the Ground Zero Mosque in New York City and how certain elements of the media and "opinion-makers" have hurled the charge of "Racism" against those who are protesting the building of said mosque/cultural center. Which raises the question: What race is Islam? Arab? Iranian? Balkan European? West Chinese? Indonesian? Indian?
Let it be known by all that this writer is of the opinion that the Orcs have the legal and constitutional right to build their spiritual dungeon on the site, no matter what the source of funding. But there is a moral and cultural matter that is involved. Most Yanks see the building of the mosque at that location as an insult and a symbolic colonization of the US by the Mohammedans. The majority of Americans see the mosque as an attempted foothold by the sons of Mohammad to establish, at first, a large public presence in the nation, and later, a domination of the nation. We, in the Southwest of this great nation, see the same attempts and philosophy by the Reconquistas who want to merge the Southwest with that criminal and cultural hole known as Mexico.
All we have to do is look to Europe to see what the consequences of a nominally Christian nation falling asleep at the wheel or feeling so sorry for our little brown brothers (as the media would have it) to the point that we're living in the garage while they are partying it up in our house.
Your faithful correspondent does not usually pay much attention to the Christian Broadcasting Network simply because Pat Robinson is a bit of a nut. But occasionally its news service has something valuable to offer such as this report from Paris and the aggressive and illegal actions by the Orcs which the French government, in its fear of offending, puts up with:
YouTube - 'Islamization' of Paris a Warning to the West -
Let us remember that it was the almost divine Brigitte Bardot, sex kitten of the 50s, 60s and early 70s, who first and most vocally, protested the ruination of La Belle France by the Orcs. And she has paid the price time and time and time again in courts that held to political correctness instead of common sense and national sovereignty. She once wrote that she missed the sound of church bells on a Sunday morning (which had been banned by the French government) and resented the sound of a muezzin caterwauling from a minaret five times a day. She mourned the passing of the honest French whore and its replacement by thieving North African whore. La Belle Bardot has suffered for her opinions regarding the Orcs, and has shown much more courage than the average French politician:
Ex-film star Bardot gets fifth racism conviction | Reuters
And, while writing about Bardot, let us remember, via song and image, what a special woman she was. And is:
YouTube - brigitte bardot tribute
Apparently, probably too late, the Germans seem to be waking up to the national threat posed by Mohammedan immigrants. Years ago it was a joke in your faithful correspondent's circles that if one bought an Audi, Mercedes or VW one was not really buying a German car. One was buying a car built in a German factory assembled by Turks. The Hun is now paying the price for cheap labor and idiotic politicians. As you read the following, if you live in the Southwest, apply it to your neighborhood, city and state:
Gates of Vienna: It Must Be Permissible to Say…
This writer urges all his readers to read the novel The Camp of the Saints. The truth of the novel may be coming faster than you realize.
Let it be known by all that this writer is of the opinion that the Orcs have the legal and constitutional right to build their spiritual dungeon on the site, no matter what the source of funding. But there is a moral and cultural matter that is involved. Most Yanks see the building of the mosque at that location as an insult and a symbolic colonization of the US by the Mohammedans. The majority of Americans see the mosque as an attempted foothold by the sons of Mohammad to establish, at first, a large public presence in the nation, and later, a domination of the nation. We, in the Southwest of this great nation, see the same attempts and philosophy by the Reconquistas who want to merge the Southwest with that criminal and cultural hole known as Mexico.
All we have to do is look to Europe to see what the consequences of a nominally Christian nation falling asleep at the wheel or feeling so sorry for our little brown brothers (as the media would have it) to the point that we're living in the garage while they are partying it up in our house.
Your faithful correspondent does not usually pay much attention to the Christian Broadcasting Network simply because Pat Robinson is a bit of a nut. But occasionally its news service has something valuable to offer such as this report from Paris and the aggressive and illegal actions by the Orcs which the French government, in its fear of offending, puts up with:
YouTube - 'Islamization' of Paris a Warning to the West -
Let us remember that it was the almost divine Brigitte Bardot, sex kitten of the 50s, 60s and early 70s, who first and most vocally, protested the ruination of La Belle France by the Orcs. And she has paid the price time and time and time again in courts that held to political correctness instead of common sense and national sovereignty. She once wrote that she missed the sound of church bells on a Sunday morning (which had been banned by the French government) and resented the sound of a muezzin caterwauling from a minaret five times a day. She mourned the passing of the honest French whore and its replacement by thieving North African whore. La Belle Bardot has suffered for her opinions regarding the Orcs, and has shown much more courage than the average French politician:
Ex-film star Bardot gets fifth racism conviction | Reuters
And, while writing about Bardot, let us remember, via song and image, what a special woman she was. And is:
YouTube - brigitte bardot tribute
Apparently, probably too late, the Germans seem to be waking up to the national threat posed by Mohammedan immigrants. Years ago it was a joke in your faithful correspondent's circles that if one bought an Audi, Mercedes or VW one was not really buying a German car. One was buying a car built in a German factory assembled by Turks. The Hun is now paying the price for cheap labor and idiotic politicians. As you read the following, if you live in the Southwest, apply it to your neighborhood, city and state:
Gates of Vienna: It Must Be Permissible to Say…
This writer urges all his readers to read the novel The Camp of the Saints. The truth of the novel may be coming faster than you realize.
Saturday, September 04, 2010
Back in the day when television was worth watching Second City Television used to do a couple of bits with John Candy in which he made comments that stated that Gypsies were no damn good. To put it succinctly, Candy would say something like, "Gypsies? Phhht!."
We hear at the Manor used to spend a lot more time playing three cushion billiards as a parlour in Bellflower than was good for us. At the same parlour there used to be a group of Gypsies who were always looking for the main chance. In fact, this writer recalls an incident when a Gypsy tried to abscond with your faithful correspondent's custom billiards cue by pretending that he thought it was a house cue.
Here's the deal, from the Manor. Not all Gypsies are crooks. Some of them are honest and Christian people. But a lot of them conform to the stereotype.
France, having finally come to its senses, has decided that the Rom (or Gypsies) who have been sneaking into La Belle France, are not a addition to the nation and have decided to kick them back to Romania. where they cannot get as rich from thievery and prostitution as they have gotten in France.
As can be expected, the unthinking and the liberal who do not have to suffer the depredations of said Rom, have mounted protests to prevent the re-patriation of the Rom to their home nation. But some people will allow the existence of rapists and child molesters as long as said perverts are not in their neighborhood. Liberalism is easy as long as the liberalism is not in one's neighborhood.
John Derbyshire, in this article, addresses the matter of Gypsies in England. It's a long article, but hang in there. And then ask yourself if you want neighbors like those he describes:
August Diary - Article - National Review Online
We hear at the Manor used to spend a lot more time playing three cushion billiards as a parlour in Bellflower than was good for us. At the same parlour there used to be a group of Gypsies who were always looking for the main chance. In fact, this writer recalls an incident when a Gypsy tried to abscond with your faithful correspondent's custom billiards cue by pretending that he thought it was a house cue.
Here's the deal, from the Manor. Not all Gypsies are crooks. Some of them are honest and Christian people. But a lot of them conform to the stereotype.
France, having finally come to its senses, has decided that the Rom (or Gypsies) who have been sneaking into La Belle France, are not a addition to the nation and have decided to kick them back to Romania. where they cannot get as rich from thievery and prostitution as they have gotten in France.
As can be expected, the unthinking and the liberal who do not have to suffer the depredations of said Rom, have mounted protests to prevent the re-patriation of the Rom to their home nation. But some people will allow the existence of rapists and child molesters as long as said perverts are not in their neighborhood. Liberalism is easy as long as the liberalism is not in one's neighborhood.
John Derbyshire, in this article, addresses the matter of Gypsies in England. It's a long article, but hang in there. And then ask yourself if you want neighbors like those he describes:
August Diary - Article - National Review Online
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