Sunday, August 15, 2010

Mosques, Proposition 8 and Liberals

By now, unless the reader has been living in a cave in Tibet, he or she is aware of the Ground Zero mosque controversy. In a sentence, the controversy involves the building of a mosque by the Orcs within a half block of the site of the attack on the Twin Towers in New York on September 11, 2001. The instigator of this sacrilege against the memory of the those murdered by Orcs (his name doesn't matter because Orc leaders are interchangeable) states that the building of this edifice is an act of peace-making and compassion by the Mohammedan community in the United States (oddly, the money for this insult is being provided by Saudi Arabia; the home country of 14 of 19 of the highjackers).

There have been, understandably, protests against the building of the mosque by right thinking people. The answer by the Orcs and their factota has been that the First Amendment of the United States Constitution guarantees their right to build said mosque.

Nobody denies that the Islamists have the right to build the mosque. The question has been the propriety and sensitivity of building the mosque. The building of the mosque has been compared to the building of a Shinto shrine at Pearl Harbor or the building of a memorial to Jefferson Davis across the street from the NAACP.
But the Muslims have no care for the sensitivity of anyone but themselves. They cry "insensitive!" whenever anyone walks past a halal market while eating a ham sandwich. It's always a one way street with them.
This part Friday The One, at a White House celebration of Ramadan) stated that he supported the building of the mosque. Then a few hours after his statement when there was a public outcry against the wisdom of his comments, his mouthpieces stated that he did not necessarily support the building of the mosque, he thought it was Constitutional though not sensitive. Well, The One is a dissembler of the most base sort and it is probably best to regard his first statements as his true thoughts and feelings instead of his corrections. After all, The One was trained as a lawyer and a speaker and is articulate in the way that most of us aren't.

Others, much more talented in expressing thought than this writer have addresses this issue, and links are listed below:

Obama Backs Ground Zero Mosque at Ramadan Celebration
Palin Blasts Obama on Ground Zero Mosque Endorsement - Atlas Shrugs
Gates of Vienna: If You Don’t Build It, They Won’t Come

This past week, in California, the home of Nib Manor, there has been a bit of an excitement concerning Proposition 8. Proposition 8 was a ballot proposition voted on by voters in California that banned the marriage of gay people to one another.

Two weeks ago a federal judge (a gay man) overturned the stated wish of the voters by saying that the proposition was unconstitutional. Needless to say, there was celebration in San Francisco, West Hollywood and Long Beach. This past week there were a number of homosexuals of both sexes at county courthouses expecting to get marriage licenses, only to be denied while the federal court ponders the matter.

As usual, the liberal press and yakkers have come out in favor of gay marriage and have called opponents of gay marriage "insensitive."

In other words, the homosexual lobby and the Orcs have both twigged onto the same argument for bad behavior: those Who are against us are "insensitive."

And here is where is all comes together. Those who advocate bad behavior have placed themselves as spokesmen for Our Lord Jesus Christ. An Orc, who wants to kill you, argues that he is more of a Christian than you are because you are insensitive to his needs. And a queer claims that he is more a Christian than he is because you are insensitive to his needs. You, as a Christian, are expected to give and give and give while those who insult you or who behave badly and take and take and take, are called a bigot, a homophobe, and Islamophobe despite the fact that Jesus Christ said that the only Way to Him was though Him (not some crazy epileptic Arab who contradicted himself regularly) or that Christ condemned homosexuality and wanton sexuality.

You're the bad guy for wanting to preserve the soul of the United States. They are the good guy for wanting to destroy what made this nation great.

We here at the Manor have only two words to say. F*** 'Em.

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