Saturday, August 21, 2010

The Liberal Mind Part 2

After a bit of thought your faithful correspondent has come to a conclusion regarding the liberal mind.

To be short, the liberal thinks that their positions are those of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Consider how many times liberals (even those who self-identify themselves as atheists and agnostics) refer to Christ and the Sermon on the Mount.

They do not seem to realize that Our Lord addressed himself to the poor and common in a different way than He did toward the wealthy and privileged. Christ was winsome toward the poor. He was rough and hard against the privileged. But He did not cut anyone slack. He knew an idiot and He knew a sinner. And He was against them both.

Liberals misunderstand Jesus in that they see Jesus excusing bad behaviour if the actor was poor and under-privileged. He held all me to the same standard.

Our Lord saw sin as sin, no matter the position of the sinner. The Liberal sees sins as a sliding scale.

In other words, the Liberal sees himself as more a Christ than Christ Himself.

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