The big controversy regard Sheik Obama this week concerns the belief among about 25% of the American populace is a Mohammedan and not a Christian. Every paid talker and writer has commented on this matter and those of the liberal bent scratch their beards and mumble something about the American population being, at root, racist and Christianist. Conservatives mutter something about the fact that The One made a verbal faux pas during an interview with Bill Clinton's resident dwarf in which he stated that he was a Muslim, only to be corrected by the ABC flak that, no, Obama was not a Muslim, but is, in fact, a Christian. At which point The One stated something to the effect of, "Oh, yeah. I forgot."
Even Franklin Graham has gotten in on the game and stated half the truth. Rev. Graham stated that Obama was, by Islamic Law, born a Muslim because his father was a Muslim. Where Rev. Graham missed the boat was when he stated that now Pres. Obama is a Christian because Mr. Obama had made a statement of faith in Jesus Christ.
The truth of the matter is that, while The One may have made a statement of faith and attended a Christian church of sorts while in Chicago, the fact remains that Mr. Obama, in his behavior and statements and policies has shown that he is not, in fact, a Christian except in the most liberally applied cultural sense.
This writer has never made, as a public person, referred to Our Lord in a speech. In fact, he's not referred to God the Father.
It is the opinion of this writer that Mr. Obama is a secularist. He has no religion but himself. He may be an atheist or an agnostic, but his religion, if it can so be called, seems to be based on that old poem that was so popular among self satisfied high school boys, Invicticus. It's a silly poem based on the narcissism that one can only find among adolescents.
The tussle about the mosque at Ground Zero (also known as the Cordoba Project) goes on. Today and yesterday many, many New Yorkers of various races and religions ranging from Christians and Jews to Hindus, turned out to protest the building of this insult to the West. While we here at the Manor will admit that the building of the mosque is protected by the Constitution, we think that it is a bad idea and intended insult to the West.
One thing to keep in mind is that the mosque building project is called the Cordoba Project. The cathedral at Cordoba Spain was turned into a mosque in the 8th century. The transformation was a force transformation. The Orcs considered the Cordoba mosque as the center of Islam in the West. It was their foothold before El Cid and Roland drove them back to their desert paradise. One thing to note is that the Muslims claimed the edifice as their despite the fact that they did not build it. They also claim, to this day, the former Saint Sophia Cathedral in Constantinople and the only changes they have made to the building was to strip the alters and iconostasis and build four minarets around the perimeter. The Orcs used Saint Sophia's as their headquarters during the Ottoman Empire and denied, while expanding their empire, the right of Christians to worship at the buildings they had, in fact built. The same will happen if the mosque at Ground Zero is built. The best reaction among Christians and Jews is to buy building or spaces near the mosque and establish churches and synagogues -- many churches and synagogues. The idea being that the mosque will be a freak and the Orcs will be freaks among a group of Christians and Jews who pray for the conversion of them to either Christianity or Judaism.
One finds oneself wishing for a new El Cid:
Gates of Vienna: El Cid Versus the Mosque, Part 1
Meanwhile, as we enter the election season, ask yourself if your candidate for Congress is as straight talking as this man, Lt.Col. Allen West:
YouTube - Allen West on Islamic Fundamentalism.wmv
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