Saturday, April 24, 2010

A Little Sense

As those in the know are aware, Nib Manor is in California. And California is in a deep, deep hole that goes beyond finances. The pit that is the state is the result of monetary, cultural and social decay.
The legislators and the governor of the state, in the constant pursuit of votes so that they don't actually have to work for a living, have ignored the state's problems. In fact, whores that they are, they have pandered to those who are bringing down the state.
Victor Davis Hanson, a much more intelligent and better educated man than this writer, sees the problem with the state, and almost despairs:
Works and Days » The Remains of a California Day
The ever lovely Lady Nib, back in the day, was a Joni Mitchell fan. She says that she liked the way Ms Mitchell "rocked out." Your faithful correspondent, while not a fan of Ms Mitchell, appreciated her singing and wordplay.
Here is an article in which Ms Mitchell states what she thought was the moment was when popular music declined. And this writer cannot help but agree:
Music - News - Joni Mitchell: "Madonna is like Nero" - Digital Spy

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