Saturday, April 10, 2010

When Life Made Sense

As regular readers of this blog are well aware, the ever lovely Lady Nib and I are Christians of what, in Great Britain, used to be known as of the Non-Conformist sort. In other words, Protestants, but not Anglicans.
Recently this writer came across a bit of film on YouTube showing General William Booth's (the founder of the Salvation Army) funeral procession through the streets of London in 1912.
It surprised this writer that the crowd lining the streets was as large as it was. And he compared it to the funeral procession for Princess Diana and found something troubling.
General Booth was a private man who, in a sense, changed the world. Princess Diana was a royal who was the object of gossip and mindless adoration by the same people who look to Madonna for their political and social opinions.
General Booth's funeral was not sponsered by the government. Princess Diana's was sponsered by the state.
The turn out for General Booth's funeral was the result of love and respect by the populace. For Princess Diana the turn out was excited by curiousity and the desire to attend an event.
Our society has become one addicted to celebrity instead of true goodness and greatness.
Here is the link to General Booth's funeral procession. Ask yourself as you watch it if such a turn out would be matched by any contemporary Christian leader:
YouTube - The Salvation Army - William Booth's funeral

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