As usual, this writer is behind the curve on breaking news. But your faithful correspondent has decided to make a short notation regarding the recent arrest in Switzerland of the movie director Roman Polanski.
As those who pay attention to the news are well aware, there has been, in France and the entertainment industry, support for the man despite the fact that he raped a thirteen year old girl some thirty years ago. Excuses have been cut and rationalizations have been made for this little creep having raped, via drugs and drink, a thirteen year old girl.
And those who have made excuses for the man's criminal behaviour have stated that his behaviour is excused by his status as an artist.
This modern idea of the artist as outside the norm of civilized behavior originated with the French. Look at the French intellectuals' consideration of De Sade as a serious philosopher, Genet and Celine as a serious novelists, Mumia Abu Jamal and Jack Abbot as serious thinkers. Al the previous mentioned men were criminals, but they could write well.. Ergo, the ability to write well means that the writer's talent overrides his criminality. And the same attitude holds true for the intelligestia's support for the Polish pedophile midget.
In other words, we live by the law and they don't.
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