Sunday, October 25, 2009

A Couple of Palate Cleansers and Some Meat

We here at Bloody Nib Manor are ever vigilant for encroachments on the rights of the citizen, and the just plan idiocy and silliness exhibited by the government and popular culture. But even we, despite gallons of coffee and pounds of No-Doze, do require relief from manning the ramparts.
Here are a couple of palate cleansers that amount to not much, but are interesting:
YouTube - DeFord Bailey - Fox Chase
YouTube - Sonny Terry & Brownie McGhee - Fox Chase
And filling in for your faithful correspondent and the ever-lovely Lady Nib is Andrew Klavan with some interesting comments in the present circus:
Pajamas TV - Klavan on Culture - How To Have Sex
Pajamas TV - Klavan on Culture - FLASHBACK: Is Barack Obama Jesus Christ?

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