Sunday, October 25, 2009

Men In Hats -- Fedora Edition

Among those who know nothing about detective literature or haberdashery the fedora is considered the hat of the hard-boiled detective. Like many public assumptions, this one is wrong. Consider Mike Hammer with his pork pie hat or Shell Scott wearing no hat at all.
The association is due to the time when the classic hard-boiled detective novels were written. In those days most men living in cities wore fedoras. The connection of the gumshoe and the fedora is tantamount with Encyclopedia Brown and trousers.
But be that as it may, the fedora is almost the perfect hat for a man. It always looks good, even when beat up. It is a serious hat. It is a hat that can reflect one's mood. It protects the wearer from sun and rain.
The best colors for the fedora are a dark gray or an olive, both with a sateen hatband. Black fedoras are favored by Chasidic Jews, so, unless one is a son of Abra and one would be better off wearing a pork pie.ham this writer would suggest that you limit one's self to gray or olive. Fedoras or primary colors are just silly

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