Have you, dear reader, ever come across the writings or the mutterings on television or the wireless or a person who does not hate himself (and please know that for the sake of convenience and to respect the common usage that has been used for the past 600* years of English writing the words "he", "him", "his" etc. will be used instead of "he/she" or "them.") but who hates and holds disdain for the ethnic/racial group of which said writer has been so benighted to have found himself to be born into? And have you ever read or heard from such writer or speaker that the ethnic/racial group of which this person is involuntarily a part by an accident of birth say that the particular ethnic/racial is a cancer on the face of the Earth and really should be done away with for the benefit of Earth, all the peoples of the Earth, and all the animals of the Earth.
And, gentle reader, have you noticed that almost all the people who utter these noble ideas of self-sacrifice of an ethnic/racial group are, without exception, are white Europeans, or of white European descent in the U.S.? According to these Solons the culture that originated in Europe has done nothing since the age of Classical Greece done nothing but oppress, exploit and pollute with bad ideas and philosophies the peoples of the world, and has done nothing but just ruin the world and not letting native cultures flourish to their full glory and maturity. In other words, whites are just a world wide buzzkill and really should just step offstage in order let the world become a paradise without the influence of European culture at all.
In other words, what these products of higher learning are suggesting without stating it explicitly is that white Europeans, especially males, should exercise self-genocide for the good of humanity and the good of mother Gaia. According to this group of thinkers Europeans and European thinking have an out-sized influence on the world to the detriment or everyone else and everything else. For some reason there are no known writers from other ethnic/racial groups that suggest that their particular cohort is so problematic that it should engage in self-genocide. Only white Europeans do this. And later in this essay a more interesting observation will be brought up.
Have you, dear friend, read or heard about the Swedish "economist" who stated this past week that it may have come time for people to consider cannibalism for the good of the planet? Your faithful writer would provide a link to several articles, but why bother? It's a fact and an easily found fact. Said professor/egghead/economist was no joking and really not quite speculating. He was, in fact, proposing without explicitly proposing. It was "nod, nod, wink, wink." A sort of, "we in the know and the awfully wise know that in a few years we won't even bother to call the meat we eat Soylent Green. We'll just call it thigh of Debbie or loin of Chad. And it'll be as tasty as can be, and will save the Earth a the same time."
Needless to say, this Squarehead brainiac never said where this human flesh made for the barbecue is supposed to come from. From those who died naturally? Old age? From cancer or heart attack? Victims of murder? Or is the long pig supposed to come from suicides? Perhaps farm raised in Third World nations to feed the appetites of a bunch of Nordic herring chokers?
When this Sven/Eric/Henryck was asked by the unthinking press if he would be willing to have a lunch of Maria Parmigiana or a Pepe-roni pizza he said that he would be reluctant, but would be willing. It really was a bit of a cheap cop out on Swede's part. Academics are good at that sort of thing.
But, and here is were we come into relationship with the first part of this all-too long nattering (self-genocide). The scribes, who really are now a bunch of idiots because they are "journalists" and not cigar chomping bullshit detecting reporters, did not ask the correct question from this sorry descendent of the Vikings. They did not ask him if he was willing to take himself to the local abattoir, have a rod gun fired into his thick skull and have himself butchered for the good of the world. He expects other people to do it for his benefit and for his idea of what is good for the planet. In other words, he wants you, gentle reader, to have yourself made into Spam (one could call it Stan Spam or Pam Spam) so he can feel good about himself for being such an enlightened person. He's willing to perform the forbidden and disgusting as long as he doesn't have to do more than go to the local Aldi and pick up a package of bratwurst made of real brats. And the self-hating white crowd are the same as our enlightened Johann. The people suggesting the self-genocide of a race/ethnicity, despite belonging to that race/ethnicity are not willing to lead the way to peace on Earth by taking one for Team Earth. They want everyone else to. In other words, they see themselves so enlightened and so wise that despite their race/ethnicity (which is just Original Sin bad) that they don't have to follow their own advice. In fact, they are the people who will lead the World because they are "enlightened" whites and know what is best.
Now to get to Mammy. Those above the age of forty (and actually few under the age of fifty) may remember, or have heard about minstral shows or blackface comedy. Minstral shows originated in the 19th century and consisted of musicians and singers portraying black people. Some of the shows were made up of white people wearing blackface make-up, and other groups were actual Negroes (this writer is going to use that word because that was the word used at the time) who wore blackface make-up. Often the songs were racist (stuff about watermelons and catfish and such), and often the songs were just portrayals of an imagined South where Negroes were just a happy lot spending their spare time fishing or just singing and playing the banjo. A lot of Stephan Foster's songs were of the minstral type, sand because of that a five year old kid is prevented from singing Swanee River at the talent show. And once the movies came in there were a lot of blackface roles in the movies. One can start with Birth of a Nation in which no non-white person appeared but in which Negroes were portrayed, go through to the Jazz Singer in which Al Jolson sang Mammy while in blackface, and through the years up until about the 1970s in which blackface was played for a joke. Was the more recent blackface stuff racist? Who in the hell knows? It was funny because it was a white guy pretending to be something that he was not. And when the same guy pretended to be Chinese or Japanese it was funny because it was a white guy playing on the stereotype of the race. Nobody took it serious. Nobody though that Bob Hope in blackface or Benny Hill in "yellowface" were meant to accurately represent those groups. It was, in a sense, akin to the old visual joke about a fat girl (and this writer is well aware that there is no such thing as a "fat girl" and that nowadays fat-shaming is just not done, but your friend in an old crank) wearing a negligee, black stockings and garters and fur mules for the man who had answered the "friends wanted" column placed by a woman who claims that she was the twin of Brigitte Bardot.
Time and "enlightenment" have done away with all that blackface stuff even as jokes or parody for better or worse while white face comedy is accepted (see the previous part of this nonsense above). But have you, dear friend, noticed that there is are forms of blackface that are accepted and celebrated by the "enlightened", the liberal, the feminist and just about anyone else with less sense than God gave a goose?
What are these things? To put it simply and shortly, they are drag shows and drag queens. Drag shows and drag queens are to women what blackface was to black people. Drag shows and drag queens are parodies of women and they show women in the worst light imaginable. They are things that are based on an imagined and fantasized version of what women are in the same way that black face and minstral shows imagined what black people were like.
Nobodies complains about drag shows or drag queens. In fact, many feminists celebrate the things despite the fact that such shows and individuals concentrate on the most stereotypical and unattractive aspects of women. In the old days, before 1980, drag was done as a joke of desperation i.e. Milton Berle and Jewish retirement homes in Florida, or POW camps or submarines full of men who would appreciate anything in a skirt and stockings. Women then thought it funny or disgusting. But now they are expected to enjoy, in fact, model themselves after some swinging dick who has managed to squeeze himself into a corset and is cosmetic savvy. It's not a joke anymore, and because of political correctness it is not an insult and a dismissal of women. It is, in a since, the expression of an ultra-woman or an Ur-woman. But, in reality, it is no better or worse than black face. But the "intelligent" women and the "leading" women are so either so damn stupid or so damn "empathetic" to realize that the drag culture is making a joke of them.
But that's enough from this idiot.
* This writer considers 1400 as the tail end of Middle English and the very beginning of what is now called Modern English. Like it or not, and despite the bone-headedness of most people today, the King James Bible is considered modern English. The reader may find it a bit difficult to read, but that doesn't mean that it is not modern.
1 comment:
Brilliant observation, old man.
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