One of the things that we at Bloody Nib Manor find themselves wondering is how some people hate themselves so much, or, if not themselves, those of their cohort that they insist that they, and their type are just not much more than a cancer of some sort killing the earth or every "other."
Examples are parts of the climate change crowd who insist that humans, modern humans, are a combination of cyanide and plutonium to the life and survival of all the Earth and all the creatures, other than human, and thus should be done away with. It's kind of a variation of the old Animal Farm gag of two legs bad, four legs good. But, of course, most, if not all these prophets of doom mean is that those who shop at Wal-Mart and Target for their groceries and lawn furniture and drive Toyota pickup trucks instead of going to Whole Foods and Bristol Farms to buy "organic" chard, buying their lawn furniture from Restoration Hardware or Vermont Country Store, and drive Teslas or 5 Series BMWs, are really a mote in God's eye. A trip on a budget airline from L.A. to Las Vegas is considered killing the planet and denying the opportunity of some God benighted New Guinea headhunter the opportunity to live to the age of 100 because of global warming and lack of oxygen while the climate screaming mee mees are not loath to jump on a Lear Jet with a couple of other Richie Rich types to fly from L.A. to Davos, Switzerland to wring their hands about how the hoi polloi are destroying the planet because all the civilized world, except them, are just selfish people who will kill a polar bear by using air conditioning on a hot summer's day. They have no problem with electricity generating windmills killing thousands of protected birds by the blades of the windmills every year, or thousands of birds in migration frying in flight over mirrored solar powered electrical installations. It's all green to them because there's no oil and no coal involved.
One comes across the same madness when one reads of some college professor, and it usually is a college professor (once these idiots get tenure they'll say any stupid thing that rattles around in their sad and empty noggins), says that white people are just awful termites. People of European descent, to them, are just a worthless bunch who have brought nothing to the world except suffering and sadness, cruelty and oppression. That can be argued, but with that bunch it's akin to trying to teach a coyote to fetch. It ain't going to happen. And, invariably, these people are white and of European descent. In fact, if one sees their photographs they are usually as white and European as a 19th century Swede or or yokel from Shropshire. They are really, really white and really, really European. They make a Welshman look like an East Indian or a Latino. But they think that white people are a sort of AIDS that can't be cured and they say that white European culture should be done away with and that the world should follow the cultures of the Hmong, the Bantu and the Aztec.
What both of these group of "thinkers' have in common is that they they hate themselves (or their species or ethno-culture), and want to do away with themselves without doing away with themselves. They want to do away with those who are like them. But they do not want to do away with themselves or suffer the results of their ideas. They except other people, the two legged to do so while they pretend to walk on four legs until it is convenient for them to get up on two feet.
And while they bitch and moan about how humans are ruining the planet or about how Europeans are bad they except themselves from their equation. After all, they are educated and enlightened and will lead the New Age.
If they meant what they said and believed what they say they believe they would do a simple thing in a small way to make a "better world." They'd eat a gun. But they don't. They expect everyone else to.
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