Saturday, June 11, 2016

We, As A Nation, Have Gone Insane!

     The proof of the title of this post is contained in four words: Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump.
     Let's begin with Mrs. Clinton (this writer will not refer to her as Ms. because she has done nothing but ride her husband's coat tails to power; she, herself has done nothing). Mrs. Clinton is a liar. And not only a liar, but a public and enthusiastic liar. She has lied about herself, about her husband, about her service in the State Department and Senate. She's lied about her daughter and son-in-law. She's lied to coal miners. She will lie at the drop of a hat. Hell! She'll lie at the drop of a leaf. Lying comes to her as easily as does the playing of a power chord does to a metal rocker. The woman stands for nothing except herself and her will to power. She would kick a newborn infant in the head if she thought it would get her votes. Bill Clinton was often called, at least here in the county where Bloody Nib Manor is the seat, the used car salesman. Hillary Clinton is the aluminum siding salesman. And how anyone in their right mind and with the sense of a possum can consider her an "outsider" just proves that the word "outsider" means to the media and Washington that the person has taken a vacation to New York City for a week. To use a word from Raispel's novel, The Camp of the Saints,  the woman is a hag. Not because of her appearance, but because like the classical hag of mythology, once she grabs onto something she will not let go and expects the victim to bear her on his back until the day he dies. Then she'll find another sucker.
     Regarding Donald Trump. Much like Mrs. Clinton, Mr. Trump is a liar, but on a perhaps a smaller scale. He's as shifty as a six speed automatic transmission. He's crude, and not in a good way. He appeals to the lowest instincts of the population. He, like Mrs. Clinton, has no respect for the Constitution. He likes to play the tough guy despite the fact that her was a terrible draft dodger. He was been, and still may be, an enthusiastic sybarite with no loyalty to any wife or respect for any friends. Think this, dear reader; if a man cannot be faithful to his wife, the heart of his heart and flesh of his flesh, before divorcing her, why do you expect the man to remain loyal and faithful to such a concept as a nation?
     Both of these Nietzschian characters, driven more by the will to power instead of the welfare of the Republic, are the choices for President of the United States unless God intervenes and strikes them both speechless. This writer would have added "blind" but for the fact that they both exhibit blind ambition.
     And the populace have bought their nonsense, lies and crap. They both pretend to be "outsiders", but that's nonsense of the Great Wall of China scale. Sure, Mrs. Clinton is a woman and has given birth to a child. But her being a woman makes her no more an outsider than Joseph Stalin was an outsider in Russia (for the history challenged, Stalin was a Georgian and eventually managed to kill more Russians while ruling Russia than did the German during World War II). To be crude and vulgar, a vagina is not a special qualification to lead the nation in the same way that it is not a disqualification. And as regards Mr. Trump, no big business man is an outsider. He, like many business men, depends on the government teat to make his millions and he has and will do whatever he can to get that milk.
     Neither one of them cares about the populace. They care about themselves and their cronies. To them governmental power is a way to naked power and they'll say whatever they can to get it. They don't care that most Americans are much like Hobbits. They just want to be left alone from the Samaugs and Saurons and Sarumons. They just want to be left alone to tend their gardens or practice their trade, drink their beer and smoke their pipes, have parties and watch fireworks. All they ask is to be protected from the Smaugs, the Saurons and the Sarumons.
     And the government, and Mrs. Clinton and Mr. Trump won't even promise or do that. One wopnders if they are Orcs.

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