Sunday, June 19, 2016

It's Not Easy Being White? Man Up, Buttercup

     While we here at Bloody Nib Manor live in a land far, far away and in a time that is long ago and yet future, we occasionally pay attention to current events and find ourselves gobsmacked by the latest fads and fancies of the "intellectual" class.
     The latest, at least it started a few years ago and has become more popular as the years have ground on, is the idea, indeed charge, if not blatant insult, of White Privilege. To put is short and crude, White Privilege means that caucasians are privileged by their race in both societal and governmental matters in the United States. Never mind what "white" means. The description is as amorphous as cigaret smoke. Example: until the 1930 U.S. census Mexicans were considered white. Are ethnic Jews white? Are Arabs white? Are Iranians white? Are Turks white? Some members of these cohorts say that they are white. Other deny it. For social justice warriors (probably the physically weakest group of self described warriors that the world has seen) a white, for what it's worth, is a person who's ancestry originated in someplace in Europe between Iceland and the western coast of the Bosphorus, and the northern Mediterranian and the North Sea. In other words, a paddy, a whitey-bird, a honky, a gap-tooth hillbilly whose second cousin is a Wall Street stockbroker.
     Now, those who are in the know, only white of the inhabitants of Bloody Nib Manor are whitey-birds. The ever-lovely Lady Nib is a Japanese woman, but to be crude and taking liberties, the Japanese are the most whitey-birds of Asians. This writer has often contended that Japan is to Asia what Great Britain is to Europe; part of and yet not quite of. And we here at the Manor feel that the whole White Privilege thing to be silly and stupid and the product of students who don't spend enough time studying their calculus, Beowulf, American history and philosophy. And they don't drink too much, which makes for a frustrated and bored student. If a student isn't studying or drinking there is bound to be trouble and boredom in the student that will break out once the student comes across a teacher/ professor/ teaching assistant who is angry because he/she is frustrated in his/her job dealing with a bunch of dull eyed and uninterested 18-22 year olds and who wants to excite them to "something". And why not teach them to be self-hating. It's the easiest thing to do with young people who think themselves intellectual. Young people are as mallable as Silly-Putty. Or should this writer say as wet plaster of Paris because plaster of Paris hardens and becomes no more mallable. And said students, once they have their diplomas in hand and getting jobs will take the idiocy that their instructors crammed into their tender noggins and try to infect their places of employment with that nonsense. And an employer, who wants to make money for himself, and perhaps the stockholders, will soon detect the infestation and ask our little pink Spartan (pink not meaning gay, but meaning something like a sunshine patriot) to take his or her talents to another place because the workplace is a place to make money and not do "justice" unless one is working for the ACLU. And then, once our little Spartan finds him or her self without a job and threatened with the fact that he/she may have to move back in with Mom and Dad or among those homeless people he/she idolized and excused at one time, will once again shout "White Privilege!" even if our Spartan is as white as Bjork after Bjork has been living at the bottom of a salt mine for a year.
     But to get back to the point (the trouble with the Internet is that it makes it all too easy to write: a good Imperial typewriter would solve all this gabbiness), the charge of White Privilege is predicated on the idea that there is an almost Elders of Zion conspiracy among white people (see the half baked definition of white above) to force their culture, their ethos, their religion onto the United States and will inflict their "disease" on any person of "color" through education can color to make that poor benighted third or fourth or tenth generation person of color that the "white" definition of culture in the United States is actually the majority culture of the United States and that English literature, while being studied the world over, is worth more attention and is more complex than say tales told inside a hogan by Navahos or inside a yurt by Mongolians.
     And because the United States is based on an ethos that is European and the establishment, whether in business or government, acts on that ethos instead of consulting Lao-Tzu or Shaka Zulu in governance and business, the white person is evil because that person, while not in actuality not holding other people down, encourages "white privilege." To our Spartan ignoring or disparaging equals hate. And thus whites, in their very blood, unless enlightened by an angry professor, teacher or teaching assistant, hate all others, will keep down all others, will even kill all others.
     Because of this nonsense the white person, especially the white man, is the most hated person among the chattering classes. A white man or woman will beat his or her chest giving a mea culpa trying to convince the average honky that he or she is guilty of being a bad person simply because of his or her skin color and heritage because of the "sins" of his or her ancestors his cohorts. The result is a lot o frustrated and somewhat angry white men and women who feel that they have been unfairly put upon to atone for things that they have had no part in. And they are starting to bitch about it.
     We here at the Manor can only tell those people to suck it up. You're the bad guy now. You're badder than a Muslim shooting up a nightclub or a train station. You are bad. This writer is bad. The world would have been a lot better off if there had been no Europeans. Or at least this is true this week, this month, this year. But there will come a day when our Spartan calls the cops to prevent a murder and a couple of pale-faced Irish-American cops show up. And then our Spartan will praise the Micks who saved him/her (and this writer is fully aware that the police rarely prevent crimes). But don't look for that day soon.
     The job, by heritage, of the white person who has been accused of "white privilege" is to carry on. He/she is to set his/her face like a flint to promote his/her values and live by them. To set an example. And, of course, for the society as a whole, the example will be denigrated or ignored. But as Homer teaches us in The Iliad through the character of Achilles, it is better to face one's fate, as bad as that may be, than to sit in one's tent crying the blues. It's better for one's self and better for the society.
     **** Note: The use of the he/she, him/her nonsense are only used in this post because, while is is unlikely that a young pink Spartan will read this post, this writer is loathe to offend that young Leonidas needlessly. He/she may throw a poppy at this writer in anger and that will make this writer very sad.

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