Sunday, May 30, 2010

Memorial Day and the Orcs

This Memorial Day this writer urges the reader to remember and honor those who have laid down their lives to maintain our freedoms.
This writer's father was a Marine during World War Two, and his uncle was a soldier during World War Two. His great uncle was killed in France during World War One, and his great-great grandfather was a veteran of the Civil War.
It takes blood to maintain freedom.
And, despite our perceptions, it still takes blood to maintain freedom:

Memorial Day and The Post-American President - Atlas Shrugs

Thinking Noo Yawkers have set themselves against the building of a mosque at the site of the World Trade Center. This writer has, in the past, never had much use for New Yorkers, but let us hope that they will hold their position and that, if the city council decides to let this insult go through, they pour sand into the crankcases of the bulldozers and cranes that are used to build the evil edifice:

SIOA Rally against the Islamic supremacist 9/11 mosque, June 6! - Jihad Watch

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