Sunday, March 14, 2010

Understanding the Constitution

Our Great Leader and his minions are bound and determined to saddle the population with some sort of government health care scheme despite the fact that most polls and thinking people are dead-set against the opening of such a jar of snakes. And in their insistence to do "what is best for the American people" they are using every procedural trick in the book to avoid having an honest debate and congressional vote on the matter. The President and the liberal Democrats are basically playing the same "I'll hold my breath until I turn blue" gag that a three year old child plays when he isn't given the ice cream cone that he has been denied.
They want this thing even though they really do not know what is on the bill that is one the table. This writer would like to sell them some real estate, a couple of cars and sign them up for a few investments with the argument of, "Just sign on the dotted line. We'll work out the details later."
But one aspect of the proposed health care bill, indeed, the very idea of a national health care scheme, is the constitutionality of such a thing.
Walter Williams has taken the time and trouble to address the matter:
This writer would posit that the essay be required reading for every member of Congress except for the fact that most members of Congress, both in the Senate and the House of Representatives, have less understanding of the Constitution than a seventh grade child has of the Hypostatic Union.

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