The Mexican swine flu first reared its head in April. And almost immediately medical researchers and labs began working to develop some sort of vaccine while at the same time telling us that the Mexican swine flu had little or no chance of developing into a flu of epidemic proportions like the 1917/1918 Spanish flu. Their actions belied their words. They were afraid that the Mexican swine flu would follow the pattern of the Spanish flu; a short and mild first appearance followed by a period of apparent dormancy which is followed by the flu boomeranging back like gangbusters, more virulent and widespread than ever.
Why bother to develop a vaccine for a flu that was claimed to be a milder and more benign flu than the seasonal flu? The answer is that researchers, despite their first words, are scared of the thing.
So the wise men and women in the medical/pharmaceutical industries have been working overtime trying to come up with a vaccine that, once it is developed, will be promoted, perhaps even required, by the government. The work on the vaccine has been going on since April and the result has been this:
Swine flu jab link to killer nerve disease: Leaked letter reveals concern of neurologists over 25 deaths in America | Mail Online
Now, let's consider the various governmental health care schemes proposed by the executive and legislative branches of the government (the judicial branch has yet to stick its oar in the matter, but that will come with time). Whatever the proposal presented, one problem is that no proposal has been thoroughly thought out. If one listens to the various Solons pushing this gag, one is reminded that speed of passage of a health plan, any health plan, is of the essence. Never mind the details or the cost.
Is the race for a Mexican flu vaccine a living metaphor for the various federal health care plans that must so speedily be passed? This writer thinks that it is. The need for speed, in both cases, seems to have overcome the requirement for safety (safety in regards to Obamacare means you're monetary and health safety). No one politician, to this writer's knowledge, has read, or even understands all the facets of, the health care plan they are flakking. They want a plan. Any plan even if it means that a person has to wait six months for cancer surgery or if the cost is so high that the initial phases of the plan will be paid for three generation from this day.
Speed in governmental action is required in only one instance. That instance concerns national security from foreign threats i.e., declarations of war when the U.S. has been attacked. The nation has survived with what some politicians have called an unacceptable, or even inhumane, health care system for over two hundred years. Another year or ten won't make any difference.
And one thing that must be pounded into the heads of our elected masters is the question of whether the federal government has any Constitutional authority to mandate any national health plan. Once that they understand that their is no Constitutional authority perhaps they'll abandon the whole idea and go back to excessive drinking, woman chasing and bribe taking, and just leave us the hell alone.
The nation does not need a self-administered case of GBS.
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