Sunday, August 09, 2009

Men In Hats

As those who are familiar with your faithful correspondent are well aware, this write has, and has had for many years, a dim view of the gutter press. The definition of "gutter press", in usage here means daily newspapers and news weeklies such as Time magazine, Newsweek and US News and World Report Few news items, of national or international import can be written accurately about in less than a month after the event. There is just no time for proper analysis and contemplation. Newspapers and news weeklies are good for such things as "screamer" stories i.e., "7-11 Victim of Robbery", "Dead Sharks Found in Trash Bin", "House Burns on Broadway".

But someone at Time magazine has deigned to write an essay about the importance of men wearing serious hats instead of baseball caps. And he also mentions the silliness of the "stingy brim" hat that is often worn by male hat wearers on the East Coast. A proper hat has a purpose (in fact several purposes). It shades, it protects and it decorates. The "stingiest brim" hat that an adult male should feel comfortable wearing is the boater. A hat, a proper adult hat, is more than a fashion statement, but it is also a statement. The statement is that the wearer is a man who realizes the importance of protect of the noggin and face from either heat or cold and that he aligns himself with a certain type of point of view -- the fedora being the hat of a serious man, the porkpie being the hat of the less than serious man, the homburg being the hat of the very serious man with money, and on and on.

Here's the link to the article:
In Praise of Serious Hats - TIME

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