Sunday, March 01, 2009

We're free (to act badly)

Your faithful correspondent has made it a point to avoid mentioning the policies and ideas put forth by Mr. Barack Obama since his inauguration as President of the United States. The reason for this reluctance to address President Obama's silliness is the same as giving a rookie a pass in baseball early in the season.
The normal period of time for the Presidential rookie pass is 100 days. But Mr. Obama has shown himself to be such a busy termite that yours has no choice but to comment before out Dear Leader decides to take control of the Internet and blogs.
So here's the deal from Nib Manor.
In the past month Mr. Obama has done a dire dis-service to the American people. In his desire to level the playing field of life he has denied the American people the freedom of personal responsibility. He has denied them the freedom to succeed and he has denied them the freedom to fail.
What more need be said?

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