For some time this writer has wondered if the term, "the village atheist" should replaced with the term "the village Christian."
While you faithful correspondent is aware that most of the population of the United States is nominally Christian, he is also aware that the media, many popular Christian leaders and many vocal Roman Catholic clerics belong to the "kumbaya" school of Christianity , i.e. widely ecumenical with a view that traditional Christianity is oppressive, non-accepting, ignorant, blah, blah blah, while Islam is misunderstood, paganism is loving and atheists are just the cat's meow because they call Baptist idiots and Catholics tools of Rome.
Finally some Christian leaders are saying, "No pasaran!"
Bishop of Rochester resigns to become defender of persecuted Christians - Telegraph
Archbishop confronts BBC Director General over its treatment of religion - Telegraph
Now, a U.S. cardinal denounces Notre Dame's Obama invite | Top of the Ticket | Los Angeles Times
One wonders how long it will be before an archbishop or bishop or well-known priest or pastor will challenge PBS on it's religion coverage. Don't hold your breath.
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