Sunday, January 13, 2008

Hate Crime?

The publisher of the Canadian publication, The Western Standard, was brought before the Alberta Commission on Human Rights recently. His crime? Publishing the now famous Mohammad cartoons. The charges were brought by a Saudi trained cleric and a head of an Islamic organization. Here are three video clips of his testimony and questioning: lgf: Outrage of the Week: Canadian Publisher Persecuted for Mindcrime .

Please note that he did not fold and even questioned the authority of the government to express his opinion. Would that the publisher of the L.A. Times had such courage and a dedication to the freedom of speech and of the press.

Those in the know are aware that we here at the Manor of Christians (of the Protestant type) and while we often find the statements made by "thinkers" in the press and on film regarding Our Lord and or faith, we recognize the right of such fools to make them. There are rights that are given by God. The government is supposed to protect them. The government does not give rights. It can only deny them.

On a somewhat similar note, several weeks ago your faithful corrrespondent linked to a story about an ethnic Pakistani bishop of the Church of England who claimed that there were certain areas in Great Britain that were "no-go" zones for non-Muslims. As can be expected, a Quisling bishop of the same organization, an ethnic Briton, has found joy in the fact that his church is dying and is being replaced by Orcism: Dhimmi Watch: UK: Bishop "very happy" with Muslim prayer call. There's nothing that does the heart so good as to hear the caterwauling and ululations of an ignorant Muslim on a Friday instead of church bells on a Sunday. It makes one want to mount speakers on one's car and throw New Testaments out the window to pedestrians while yelling "Tolle lege!"

Wile never considered a great thinker and not a graduate of a seminary (probably a good thing), Brigitte Bardot, long ago recognized the threat of Muslim immigrants to France and the French tendency to fold under pressure: BBC News SHOWBIZ Bardot racism conviction upheld The woman has been convicted and fined three times for stating the truth and not the politically correct line. Now that "disenfranchised" Muslim youth have made it a sport to burn cars as a sport our French friends may wake up to what the divine Bardot said many years ago.

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