Sunday, January 06, 2008

Don't Go There!

It's been a while since we here at the Manor have addressed the bad behaviour of the Orcs living among us. It sometimes feels as if we have been playing King Canute in commanding the tide not come in/ But, of course, much of the current problem has to do with those who have the power to build a dike as so damn stupid as not to realized that their boots are full of water while telling the rest of us that the land is suited to the planting of pear blossom cactuses.

A case in point would be the firing of the Pentagon's specialist in Islamo-Fascism at the behest of Orcs working at the center of the Department of Defense: Jihad Watch: Pentagon fires key specialist on Islamic law and jihad after comp Or the refusal of police authorities in Texas to admit that the killing of two Arab-American girls by their father is related to the Muslim sense of honor: Hot Air » Blog Archive » A pair of “honor killings” in Texas Updated: The girl. The secular authorities always know better than what the average Yankee church-goer knows. But, of course, the average Yankee church-goer answers to a Higher Authority than the average politician or civil servant, who answers to political correctness.

But we here at the Manor, from the ever lovely Lady Nib down to the boot black realize that the average decision-making bureaucrat is not so much an idiot as much as a man or woman wanting to keep his or her job until retirement. Selling one's birthright for a mass of pottage, as bad as such an action is, is more excusable than selling one's soul for applause from one's enemies.

Certain "leaders" in the Christian world have been falling over themselves to show their fundaments to the West while they squat in prayer toward Mecca and its minions. These leaders are of the theologically liberal taint. A theological liberal of the late 20th and early 21st century is a Unitarian of the 19th century. In other words, are they not only heretical, but they are in the trailing edge of modern heresies. They cower behind the cutting edge waiting to see if anything collapses. If nothing collapses they run to the front and proclaim how brave they are in their thinking. In another fifty years they will be crowing about a "new" Christian atheism that somehow reconciles the idea that there is no God and expecting you to put money in the plate to worship Him properly. The French did the same thing during the French Revolution and did it much more honestly.

The liberal Christian leaders see Orcism as the rising power and they want to be sure to be there to lick the boots of the first jihadist who enters their church, cathedral, fellowship. They'll get a pat on the noggin, avoid getting their throat cut, and might get a new doe-eyed piece of action to take the place of the old ball and chain sitting at home brewing tea and setting out biscuits while wearing her brogues and twenty year old twin set

Rowen Williamson is the best internationally known example of this creature. He's a Christian, he's a druid, he's a lover of Orcs, he's sympathetic to Buddhist, whether Tibetan, Mahayana, Theraveda or Zen. He's okay, you're okay. they're okay. Okay? The problem is not with the actions of Muslims. The problem is with Christians who actually believe the Bible. Christians are so odious to this man that for a Christian to express disapproval at the acts of honor killing or female genital mutilation is tantamount to blasting Orcs with death rays.

Williamson is not the only useful idiot. He is just the best known. Any mainstream Protestant denomination in the US or Canada is full of such termites.

Well, to get to the point, a bishop in Great Britain, a man who knows a lot more about the threat of the Orcs than Williamson and his cronies will ever know, has something interesting to say about the Orcs among us: Bishop warns of no-go zones for non-Muslims - Telegraph

Ain't life grand?

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