Saturday, January 27, 2007

Saturday Potpourri

One of the things that separates the men from the boys (as well as girls and women) is, well, women.

For more years than can be explained, men (real men and not metrosexuals) have been told by women and their rather effeminate male friends that Julia Roberts is a beautiful women. Most men have not fallen for the claim. Most women who think that Julia Roberts is beautiful think so because she looks more like a horse than they do. In other words, the thinking goes, for a woman, "Julia Roberts is beautiful. I look less like Trigger than she does. Therefore I'm beautiful and all men should worship me." There is no end to wishful thinking.

The other day yours was having a conversation with the ever lovely Lady Nib and for some reason Angelina Jolie entered the conversation. In a moment of bad manners this writer uttered the syllable, "Ugh" at the mention of Miss Jolie's name. To which Lady Nib replied, "Why, my lord, whatever can you mean by such a rude expostulation! Miss Jolie is a lovely young woman, even if she doesn't have the sense that God gave a goose and bad taste in men." To which yours countered, " No, my beautiful bride. Miss Jolie is a strange looking woman with a nice figure. There is something positively alien about her countenance." And there the conversation ended because neither argument was worth the thinking involved. But it later occurred to yours that Miss Jolie looks like a Bratz doll, as is shown above. And what is a Bratz doll but a celebration of the tart?

Speaking of aliens, an interesting article has appeared in the Inland Valley Daily Bulletin concerning illegal aliens and the threat that the government's refusal to take this problem seriously poses to the US: - Of special interest .

And finally, in an wage that seems to lack heroes, we all have memories of our guitar heroes. Here's a site that has videos of 20 good ones: cityrag: 20 Greatest Guitar Solos Ever, With Videos

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