Sunday, January 21, 2007

Gaggin' a maggot

The number of people declaring their candidacy for the Office of the President of the United States of America seems to have become never ending. Today Bill Richardson, former Energy Secretary and governor of New Mexico, has declared his intention of running for the Executive chair while the press falls into the vapours about the possibility that he "may" become the nation's first Hispanic President.

So if we look over the field of those who have declared their intention to grab the highest office in the land we have: The first female President (Sen. Clinton), the first black - or more properly, mulatto Hawaiian born and bred - President (Barak Obama), the first Italian-American President (Giuliani), the first Hispanic President (Richardson), the first ambulance chasing President (Edwards), and the first Speaker of the House to make a big ass of himself President (Gingrich).

It's really enough to gag a maggot. One wonders why there is no mention of an American man or woman who wants to be a President for the nation without the modifiers.

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