Sunday, August 20, 2006

Islamophobic Round-Up

When you faithful correspondent first started this blog it was with the intention of dealing with light topics and emphasizing the more humorous aspects of life. After all, life here at Bloody Nib Manor is not all that unlike that as recorded in Wodehouse's book, Blandings Castle.

But life gets in the way and we find ourselves having to live under the reign of bone-headed, politically correct diversity freaks. The result of this bureaucratic we-are-the-world, I-wanna-buy-the-world-a-Coke love-in is that the government of the Grand Republic refuses to admit that the United States, in fact the Western world (hitherto known as Christendom) is at war with radical and fascistic Mohammedism. We are supposed to be at war against "terrorism." The "War on Terrorism". or "Global War on Terrorism" is a fake and a fraud. One can no more declare war on terrorism than one can declare war on, say, carpet bombing or naval engagements. Terrorism is a tactic. It is not an entity. And even assuming that terrorism is an entity, the Tamil Tigers in Ceylon have been getting damn little attention from the United States government. There have been not raids on the remaining elements of the IRA, the Basque separatists or the Shining Path guerrillas in Peru. All energy, such as has been expended, has been directed at Islamic triumphalists. So let's call a spade a spade and just say that the danger to the West does not come from Ireland, Pyrennes or the Sri Lanka. The threat is from Islam.

Winston Churchill, in his account of the River Wars in Northeast Africa (Sudan) stated that Moslems can be dealt with and can be quite friendly when dealt with one on one. But when addressed and confronted by a group they were hopelessly barbaric, violent and hostile to non-Moslems. One might as well try to hug a porcupine. ... Having said all that, here are a group of links about the "enlightened" faith in the modern world.

Walid Shoebat has an interesting story: Walid Shoebat - Former PLO Terrorist who speaks out for Israel .

Another piece by Melanie Phillips, this time from the National Review: Melanie Phillips on Londonistan on National Review Online We plan to buy her book and mourn the England that was.

The Baron and Dymphna always have something interesting to offer. This may explain why Corsica doesn't have a problem with Mohammedans: Gates of Vienna: Flying the Ă‚“IslamophobicĂ‚” Colours We'll have to see if we can get a flag like that of Corsica.

Mark Steyn . Nothing more be said about Mark.

The wonderful program of assimilation oadherentsts to Allah continues apace in Italy: Independent Online Edition > Europe For some reason there's a controversy about this incident in Italy. I can't think of a reason why.

Victor Davis Hanson is one of the best war writers and thinkers around. It's too bad that the gov't doesn't appoint him as special secretary to the war in Iraq, Afghanistan and the Mideast. But the man's a historian, and history, these days, is about as well regarded as a bad case of piles. Victor Davis Hanson on War on National Review Online .

And finally, as aexplanationon of the title of this entry, the word Islamophobic here means "fear of Islam." Not "dislike of Islam." Your faithful correspondent carries within him both sentiments, but the fear came before the dislike.

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