Sunday, July 30, 2006

Border Jumpers

For those not in the know, Bloody Nib Manor is in an area of Los Angeles County heavily populated by illegal immigrants.

Since the influx of border jumpers the neighborhood has become much more trash ridden. But trash I mean such things as corn cobs tossed on the sidewalk, beer cans tossed in the yard, dirty diapers thrown in the gutter. This article illustrates the problem: Crossers burying border in garbage ®

And while I have in the past promised to avoid any illegal immigrant tirades, I thought it may be interesting to share this: 6 + 4 = 1 Tenuous Existence - Los Angeles Times Note the comments of the mother of ten's sister near the end of the article.

Perhaps the name of Bloody Nib Manor should be changed to Casa Bloody Nib.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The United States does not care about its own citizens.Politicians are only worried about the non excestant hispanic vote.