Sunday, July 16, 2006

A Blast From the Past

Back in 2002 Oriana Fallaci wrote this: FrontPage :: I Stand with Israel: I Stand with the Jews by Oriana

Considering the current state of the Middle East the article may be worth a re-read. And as you read it keep in mind that Miss Fallaci has been sued and tried at least twice for "hate speech." And remember that when the article was written John Paul II was the Bishop of Rome. Now Benedict is the Bishop of Rome and the position of the Vatican has not changed. The supposed center of Christianity (for Roman Catholics, at least) has indicated their willingness to contribute to its own extinction.

It may sound unkind, but consider the fact that in nations where Christians (whether nominal or devout), Hindus or Buddhists control the government life progresses. Where Muslims rule life goes backwards. And not in a good way.

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