Sunday, May 07, 2006

Mohammedans and You

A couple of interesting items have crossed the threshold here at Bloody Nib Manor. Each of them have to do with the "religion of peace."
We here at the Manor are rock ribbed Protestants. We have theological problems with Rome. But we usually agree with the moral stance that the Vatican takes. Apparently Benedict is asleep at the wheel concerning what the franchises are up to: Dhimmi Watch: Belgium: "Where once stood a shrine to Our Blessed Lady, now sta

Meanwhile, Archbishop George Pell has a few things to say about Islam and the Koran that are sure to put him on the Mohammedans' greatest hits parade: Pell challenges Islam - o ye, of little tolerant faith - National - The Archbishop of Canterbury is so blind to the threat that Islam poses to the UK and England that he spends his time playing junior druid and all-encompassing Christian cleric. Aussies may be considered crude by Europeans and the British liberal, but at least Pell knows a wart when he sees it.

A new addition to the Bloody Nib list of links: Western Resistance. The US faces a threat to its culture and life from both the South and from the East. And by the East I don't mean Japan. I mean Eurarbia.

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