Sunday, May 21, 2006

Bienvenidos, Amigos!

This past week the United States Senate has been debating and discussing "illegal immigration reform."

As usual Clown Alley has been clueless. The current proposition has the potential of increasing the population of the United States by from 70 million to 100 million people by immigration and birth to immigrants in the next 20 years. Meanwhile Presidente Bush plays the nut to Vicente Fox's screw.

If you can get hold of it, watch a video or DVD of the Wild Bunch starring William Holden. You'll see the consequences of the President's and the Senate's philosophy. Yanks may not be angels, especially to their own, but once the Latin American wave engulfs the American Southwest you'll find yourself wishing that you had a water cooled machine gun to bring the old Republic back to what it was.

And speaking of William Holden, check out Network. Then ask yourself, "Was it a warning satire of television news, or was it a model for what television has become?"

All we know here at Nib Manor is that we're mad as hell.

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