Saturday, March 11, 2006

How Far Can it Go?

In the county in which Nib Manor is located there are several television stations that broadcast news. Several of the stations have Asian women as anchorwomen. Most of the women are vaguely attractive and do a decent job of reading copy.

But there is a problem which your faithful correspondent has not been able to figure out. Why do so many Asian women insist in bleaching their hair to shades of red and brown or even blonde?

A case in point is Mia Lee, who works for KCAL 9 in Los Angeles. In recent months Miss Lee's hair has become more blonde than the almost divine Brigette Bardot. It is a disconcerting experience to watch her read the news. She has the face and form of an Asian woman, but the hair color of a Swede.

The ever lovely Lady Nib, who is Japanese, with a lovely head of raven black hair, refers to her as Freaky Lee because Miss Lee seems to be trying to deny that she is an Asian woman.

Let's face it. Certain races tend toward certain hair colors and they look best with their natural hair colors. Why bother trying to look like something one isn't? It would be like putting your faithful correspondent in a Bond Street suit instead of Harris tweed. It just don't work.

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