Saturday, February 25, 2006

People Who Take A Stand

Realizing that in the past your faithful correspondent has stated that he will stay off topics of a political nature he was reluctant to add these links to this post.

But considering the fact that there are politics and real life, I feel that the following links refer to real life and don't have much to do with real life.

What's the difference, you may ask The difference is that politics consists of a bunch of self proclaimed "wise men" deciding how to run the world while trying to get (re) elected to office. Real life has to do with cultural survival.

First we have an Australian official telling the local Mohammedans that if they want to live under Sharia law they'd best live someplace other than Australia -- Go elsewhere for sharia law: Costello - National Breaking News - Breaking News .

Second, a Nigerian Anglican cleric sounds the alarm about the safety and future of Christians in Nigeria -- Anglican Communion News Service .

Third, the Vatican calls for parity from the Mohammedans --VATICAN: LEADING BISHOP CONDEMNS SILENCE OVER ANTI-CHRISTIAN VIOLENCE .

And finally, a Lebanese woman describes what Mohammedan supremacy over a nations looks like --- FrontPage :: Because They Hate by Brigitte Gabriel . Make a point of reading the first sentence of the sixth paragraph. Memorize it and teach it to your friends and children. There's no point in trying to get your local politician to remember because the first twenty bucks passing under his/her nose will erase any moral lessons that said pol has learned.

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