Sunday, February 05, 2006


By now, the whole Mohammed cartoon bit is pretty well known. Mohammedans in several nations have rioted and burned Danish embassies. Our own State Department has stated that they have taken a stand against such cartoons as those printed in the Danish newspaper back in September. Meanwhile the foggy noggins at Foggy Bottom have yet to protest against television versions of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion being broadcast in Egypt or the fact that the Koran basically calls Jesus Christ a liar and a fraud with a certain prophetic talent. Be that as it may, after all diplomats have never been known for standing for anything but their jobs, the European and American world may have been given a bit of a slap in the face that will prevent suicide. Our Islamic friends may have forgotten that they, themselves, have in the past, portrayed their "great" prophet pictorially: Mohammed Image Archive If the Christian world had reacted to negative or unorthodox portrayals of Christ Nikos Kazantakis, Marty Scorcese, Sorianno and Dan Brown, in the US or Europe, would have been strung up at the nearest lamppost instead of dismissed as misguided or an idiot. Meanwhile, It would probably be a good thing if we all re-read Solzhenizyn's Harvard Address : Solzhenitsyn's Harvard Address

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