Saturday, December 17, 2005

The Integrity of the Academy

Soon after the terrorist attacks on New York City and Washington, DC the Saudi Prince, Alwaleed bin Talal offered to make a donation of 10 million dollars to be used for the rebuilding effort of NYC. In his offer he made several unwise, from the American viewpoint, comments about the need for the US be more sympathetic to the Arab world and quit worrying so much about the security of Israel. Mayor Rudy Giuliani told the prince to keep his money partially because of the prince's remarks.

Giuliani, not running for office at the time, showed some integrity that several universities have not. Talal has made contributions of 20 million dollars each to Harvard and Georgetown University for the establishment of departments, of centers, for Islamic/Western understanding: OpinionJournal - Taste

In other words, the presidents of these universities have sold their souls for filthy lucre. Harvard was originally founded as a training college for Presbyterian ministers. Georgetown was founded as a Jesuit college. In years past the purpose of the universitie's studying other religions was to understand how best to present the Gospel to members of those religions. Now it's all a big ecumenical love-in and the race for the long green, no matter where it comes from.

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