Saturday, December 17, 2005

The Enemy of My Enemy...

Years ago Steve Miller sang a song which contained the phrase, "the pompatus of love." No one could ever figure out exactly what a pompatus was. But Miller was never quit the wordsmith of say, Irving Berlin or Cole Porter. Miller actually tried to rhyme "taxes" with Texas."

But "pompatus" is pretty close, in pronunciation to "pompous." so it's a pretty good launching pad to talk about George Galloway.

George Galloway is a member of the British Parliament. He has been implicated in the UN Food for Oil Scandal and has been accused to funneling money to Saddamite Iraq. As outraged, pompous politicians often do, he blustered his way through it sounding like an old Kawasaki 400 running on one cylinder. He managed to cow the United States Congress because he has a British accent and has a larger vocabulary than your average Congressman. But he was later shown to be a prevaricating weasel

Mr. Galloway likes to make himself out to be a champion of the little guy. As we all know, in the Western world there is usually more sympathy for the little guy than there is for the big guy. In Galloway's case the little guy in the Arab world and various Third World dictatorships. The big guy is the US. It makes good public relations and the press eats it up.

But in this little guyism it is often forgotten that sometimes the little guy is a real jerk and deserves to be be slapped around like Wilmer was by Sam Spade in the Maltese Falcon. North Korea is a little guy playing with matches in a dynamite factory. Cuba is a little guy with it's own little gulag. And the Arab world is a little guy ruled by people as crazy and authoritarian as Nazi outhouse rats.

George Galloway recently gave a speech in Syria, part of which follows:

"What your lives would be if from the Atlantic to the Gulf we had one Arab union -- all this land, 300 million people, all this oil and gas and water, occupied by a people who speak the same language, follow the same religions, listen to the same Umm Kulthum.... The Arabs would be a superpower in the world if they had unity, instead of the shameful situation in which Arabs find themselves today.... Hundreds of thousands are ready to fight the Americans in the Middle East, and in Latin America there is revolution everywhere. Fidel Castor is feeling young again. Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, Bolivia, Ecuador, Chile are all electing left-wing governments that are challenging American domination. And in Venezuela, the hero Hugo Chavez has stood against them over and over and over again." (Tip o' the lid to Mark Steyn)

So there you have it. Galloway thinks the US is bad. Therefore those who hate the US are good and are his friends. What he doesn't realize is that if the Arab world extended into Great Britain he would find himself out of a job and would be acting as a lickspittle to some mullah sitting in Buckingham Palace. That is if his throat was cut for being an infidel.

But that's the leftist way. It worked for Stalin. Until he found a bunch of Germans parading into Russia.

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