Saturday, November 05, 2005

The War in Eurabia

Today marks the ninth days of riots in the suburbs of Paris by Islamic youth. If one reads the local rags on would believe that the rioters of just "youth", as if Jules and Marianne, having nothing better to do between their drinking of pastis and the eating of pate de foie gras decided to burn a few cars and a pre-school or two. Meanwhile, the President of La Belle France (Dominique de Villepin)thinks that "having dialogue" with the rioters will end the mayhem. But what can one expect from a man who considers himself a "poet." Poets are good for poetry and seducing silly teenage girls, and not much else. The Minister of the Interior, Nicholas Sarkozy, has taken a harder line. He expects people in France to act like civilized Frenchmen. He has called the rioters "thugs" and, for some reason, that appellation is considered controversial. Sarkozy, the son of Hungarian and Greek immigrants to France, knows what it's like to be a son of immigrants and expects a certain modicum of restraint and good behavior from second generation North Africans and Turks. But, apparently, the liberal faction sees the Muslim youth as somewhat stupid, primitive and naturally violent, so the youth must be handled with kid gloves.

But be that as it may, here's a round up of links concerning the War in Eurabia:
Paris When It Sizzles
Big Lizards:Blog:Entry “Arms For the Poor”
The Fall of France The Brussels Journal
The Daily Demarche: Oh, to be a fly on the wall. This is funny.
The Daily Demarche: "The City of Lights"- did they mean burning cars?

And finally, to show that some pigs are more equal than others from Australia. I've never beat the ever lovely Lady Nib, but if I ever do and the local constabulary are called, I'll use the excuse that I'm a Muslim:Herald Sun: Police told to respect traditions [ 25oct05 ].

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