Saturday, November 05, 2005

A Retraction

We here at Nib Manor haven't enjoyed the gift of omniscience for a long time. It came to an end when about the time we turned thirty. At that time we realized that a rotten trick had been played on us and that world had become much more complicated.

So I find myself having to retract a statement made in a previous entry. In a previous post I stated that a savings bank in the United Kingdom has stopped giving out piggy banks as premiums for opening savings accounts because of protests by Mohammedans living in Great Britain. It turns out that the story may be false. I picked up the information from several websites, each of which linked to an English newspaper. Now, some of those sites say that the newspaper may have been duped or have fallen victim to a new urban legend.

So, if you live in England and want a piggy bank, you may still be able to get a free piggy for depositing some funds. BUT, I wouldn't be surprised that the story has inspired a Muslim in Derby to file a protest with the bank for "disrespecting" Islam. We'll be waiting for the story to rise again.

As you may have noticed, the illustration on this post says "Save The Flag (and the pig) Fly Free!" This, of course partially refers to the Islamic fatwah on pigs. But there is also a war on the Cross of Saint George, which is the red cross used on the English flag. Our Islamic friends protest St. George's Cross as an insult to them because many of the Crusaders fought under that flag. Prison officials in England have been told not to wear English flag lapel pins because Muslim inmates may be offended. There's nothing like buckling under to the hurt feelings of convicted criminals.

It's just too bad that George Washington didn't get his way in desiring that the stars on the American flag be six pointed stars. The US is constantly being portrayed, by the Arab world, as a slave to the Jews. Six pointed stars in the jack would just send them into paradoxisms of rage and they might never have immigrated here.

And finally, for those of you who notice such things, you might notice that the font of this post is different than that of previous post. The only reason is because I neglected to change the font to my preferred font before starting this entry. Nothing special here, so move along.

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