Sunday, September 04, 2005

Our Pal, Mexico

A little less than a week after the hurricane hit the Gulf Coast several nations have offered their assistance for the relief of the victims. In a previous post your faithful correspondent stated that any assistance from any nations other than Sri Lanka, Canada, Australia and Great Britain, and perhaps India should be refused. This refusal is based on the idea of self respect. To accept aid from Cuba (offering 1,100 doctors), Venezuela ( money), Qatar (money), France (helicopters and medical aid) would put the Grand Republic in a position of owing nations that are, in reality, not particularly friendly to the US. In other words, those nations, and several others who have offered aid, would hold it over the US the fact that they helped out when we were in a fix and thus owe them something in exchange.

Sri Lanka, Canada, Australia, Great Britain and India are, in a sense, cousins of the US. The sharing of one form or another of the English language links us, and thus we understand one another. French, Spanish, Arabic? Hah! Language defines the values of a culture more than does the number of color television sets.

A couple of radio talk show hosts have mentioned that Mexico has yet to offer any relief for the hurricane victims. Never mind that such offers such be refused. Well, yours truly begs to differ with the radio yakkers. Mexico has offered their help. They've offered their help for years. Their help has been the illegal border jumpers who will take jobs from Yanks, black or white, for the rebuilding of New Orleans. It's just the fact that Mexico will be profiting from their help in a way that Qatar won't that the press and the government ignore; and both American and Mexican goverments studiously ignore.

Meanwhile, the Federal, state and local governments seem to have a hell of a time getting hold of the gang of illegal aliens known as MS 13:Immigrant Gang Suspected of al-Qaida Ties. Most MS 13 gangsters are from El Salvador, but Mexico gives them passage to the US-Mexico border. So while the wetbacks in New Orleans are knocking together a reasonable reproduction of a shotgun house in New Orleans, that same outback may be planting a bomb on a levee for more cash than he gets for wielding a hammer. Yanks may expect a higher pay rate than illegal aliens, but they care about the Grand Republic more than a guy from El Salvador or Chiapas.

But then, I'm xenophobe who's married to a lovely Japanese woman and who lives in a predominately Mexican neighborhood, so what the hell do I know?

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