Saturday, September 03, 2005

Katrina and such

Well, the levees broke in New Orleans broke and the rest of the Delta has been devastated by the hurricane called Katrina.

There has been, by US standards, a great loss of life and destruction. And our great leaders have wasted no time in pointing their bony fingers at one another. and it is a sure thing that within six months there will be local, state and federal "special committees" to investigate "What went wrong." he results of the various investigations will be something like, "Everyone was wrong but us." In other words, politics as usual. For some reason relief got to tsunami victims faster than it did to the people of the Mississippi Delta. And for some reason the victims of Katrina has less wherewithal to get the hell out of a bad situation than did a surviving Thai or Sri Lankan or Indonesian. Perhaps the difference is that the average Thai or Sri Lankan or Indonesian expects less from their governments than does the average American. In either case, it casts a bad light on the model of the "self-sufficient" Yank.

Yours truly actually heard a radio talk show host bemoaning the fact that the various nations of the world had yet to rush to the aid of Uncle Sam. The particular host (a guy broadcasting from New York State, which may explain his dependence on the world) seemed to believe that there was a fairness in world affairs. We help you, you help us. It doesn't work that way. The Big Dog helps and the Big Dog is laughed at when down.

Since that time it has developed that Australia, Canada, Sri Lanka, Venezuela, Cuba and France, among other countries, have offered assistance. If George Bush had any pride in the country, and I have been doubting this for the past year, he would accept assistance only from Australia, Canada and Sri Lanka. From the Ozzies ad Canucks because they are part of the Anglosphere; from the Sri Lankans because they seem to be grateful for our help in the past. The others can go play with themselves in the corner as they are wont to do. Pride is one of the seven deadly sins, but self respect is not. The US is a rich nation and is able to look after itself. To expect a handout or help from nations that are diametrically opposed to one's national character and interests is to make oneself beholden to the guy who gave one a quarter,

Now, if you are a Yank and you want to help out those in the Delta, you might consider giving some jack to the Salvation Army. The Army doesn't do anything sexy. It feeds, cleans and clothes. And 80% of the money you give hits the street. Check out this website and think about giving a bit:The Salvation Army International Home Page

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