Saturday, August 20, 2005

History Ain't Bunk!

There's a saying among the cosmopolitan types (and your faithful correspondent isn't one of those) that has a certain amount of truth. It goes something like this: " America is a place where 100 years is a long time ago. Europe is a place where 100 miles is a long distance."

When it comes to long histories, Europe falls somewhat short of India. The subcontinent seems to have a history that goes on for miles and years beyond Europe. And the Hindus in India have something that your average Eurotrash is sadly lacking, i.e., a long memory. Your average European would be hard pressed to name the places and years of the Siege of Vienna or the Battle of Lepanto, let alone the triumph of Charles Martel or Roland's battle against the Mohammedans. Contemporary Europeans seem to see the modern Islamic aggression as some sort of opportunity to enjoy discordant music and cous-cous instead as an eroding of European culture.

Modern Indian Hindus and Sikhs, after having suffered under the Mughals, are not so casual about the deleterious effects of Islam on a culture. This link may offer the Kumbaya crowd a little food for thought:Dhimmi Watch: Fitzgerald: Telling the truth about India

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