Saturday, August 06, 2005

From the Mouths of Babes

We here at Bloody Nib Manor have never been particularly big Joan Collins fans. This may be due to the fact that her movie career fell between the periods represented by Ava Gardener and Raquel Welch. It was a difficult time for sex symbols because Hollywood couldn't decide exactly what a sex symbol was: Stella Stevens or Elizabeth Hartman.

And your faithful correspondent, being a night shift worker, never saw an episode of Dynasty, so he never saw any examples of her television oeuvre. But she was, during the late seventies, the eighties and very early nineties, a presence on television because of her acting, such as it was, or various scandals. She was, I thought, an attractive woman, though she had rather wide-set eyes and played the vamp a bit too much. Her sister, the writer Jackie Collins, was, much more fun because she told dirty stories on the interview shows, and also because she wrote bad novels instead of acted bad novels.

Well, Joan Collins has smashed the cream pie in my mug by writing this:LP: BRITAIN DESTROYING ITSELF FROM WITHIN (by Joan Collins-non PC truth from a And for this Joan Collins has my eternal gratitude. Could it be that sex symbols of a "certain age", such as Joan, and the almost divine B.B. get it when the remainder of the entertainment industry, Europe and England don't?

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