We here at Bloody Nib Manor have never been beach-goers. There was a time for about three years when we lived near a beach and we never visited it.. But we have no animus against the beach and beach-goers. It was always that other people did, but not us, for some reason.
Having said that, this writer finds this whole "burkini" (or is it "burquini"?) thing in France interesting,
For those not in the know, a burkini is a full bodied covering that some Mohammedan women wear to the beach. It covers the body from the ankles to the top of the head with an opening for the face. It makes a Victorian woman's bathing costume look almost scanty with bare shoulders and stockinged legs below the knees
Several French municipalities on the Med have decided to ban the burkini because they see the thing as a threat to French civil and secular society and an expression of Mohammedan aspirations for dominance. Other people, of the more liberal an Kumbaya crowd, see the banning of the burkini as a sort of racism or anti-religionism (and it's very odd that they only worry about anti-religionism when it deals with Islam and not with Christians in a purportedly Christian nation.
There has been a lot of talking about this thing among the eggheads of various flavors and they have all gotten it wrong.
Societies regularly put limits on what people can or cannot wear in public ion that society. A native woman from the deepest Congo cannot parade around the streets of Paris or London bare-breasted and wearing only a colored cord belt around her waist. And a man from the same tribe cannot go to the local 7-11 wearing only a penile sheath and a smile. And a person cannot walk into a bank with his or her face covered and expect not to be thought hincky. Traditionally the beach has been a place for people to shed some of their clothes (sometimes, in the matter of fat men and Speedos all too much) and soak up some sun and enjoy the sea water. In this society (and this writer means European and American society) a full body covering from head to toe is reserved to Catholic nuns. And well some people may ask what separates Catholic nuns from Mohammedan women the answer is simply this: nuns are separate from society and they have made vows. Mohammedan women are not. They are women who live in society and who deal with society and in the Western society they have to conform to to that society (not a bikini or even a one piece bathing suit, but perhaps in a blouse and clam-diggers). If they don't they have no desire to become part of the society to which they have thrown their lot. In other words, they are, whether by the insistence of their husbands or not) termites undermining the pillars of the society into which they have moved and and are bringing the very thing that they claimed to have escaped to the society to which they have moved. In other words, they escape one thing and bring that thing to the place to which they have escaped.
Nations have cultures. Anyone who enters that culture should be expected to conform to that culture. If one moves to France one should learn to speak French and behave like a French person. The only rebels allowed are, at the nearest, the third generation of the immigrant. And only then when that person can only speak the language of the nation instead of being bi-lingual with the the country of origin.
Consider the Amish. They are a closed and very conservative society. They get by. They not only get by, but they prosper. The men and women dress as if it was the early 19th century. They may go to the beach, but they where their normal everyday dress. And the nation almost adores them because they are not only examples of a life long gone, but because they do not force themselves on the greater society. When was the last time you, dear reader, saw a Mohammedan of a conservative religious bent, not demand that society conform to him or her?
The "burkini" is an insult to Western society. It's like the Mohammedan's flipping a giant bird to western society. And one finds one's self wondering if women in Saudi Arabia or Iraq where such a silly thing to the beach in their nations. One wonders how the Mohammedan women in Burma some one hundred years ago could get through the day walking to and from their fields bare-breasted and not feel the shame that the Wahabists have now put upon them. And the reason is because they had a sort of common sense that Wahabist Mohammadism doesn't.
It's been charged that Christian missionaries have ruined micro-cultures by the teaching Christ. But, know for a fact, that the Livingston and Judson never demanded that their converts dressed as Victorian ladies instead of people living in the bush and jungle.
So should the "burkini" be banned according to the denizens of Bloody Nib Manor? The answer is "yes." If the women who wear this bad they should just wear a wet suit and pretend to be surfers.
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