Sunday, October 04, 2015

How's That Working Out?

     We here at Bloody Nib Manor have almost infinite patience. This is evinced by the fact that this writer and the ever Lovely Lady Nib have been married more than forty years despite the fact that your faithful correspondent is no prize, and also we have lived in the same house for over thirty years watching the neighborhood decline almost into the state of a Mexican village paying homage to a caudillo nicknamed Sombrero Oro.
     But, to be truthful, we, like many other Americans, have lost patience with Barak Obama. In fact, we began to lose our tolerance for the man when he gave his first inaugural address. But, while hoping that he would wise up and grow into the role of a statesman and leader for the United States, we were pretty sure that he wouldn't and that his success would only metastasize into an overweening pride and self-assurance that he is all-wise and that he directs the arc of history (arc from where to where?--- that is the question, Horatio) for the betterment of the world, and, incidentally, the United States. To be blunt and crude, he was, and is, to the populace of the Manor, a combination of a Special Olympics president (everyone is a winner!) and an affirmative action president. In other words, if he didn't break too much of the china or crystal we'd grant him some leeway. He's broken all too much dinnerware in the past six years and we find ourselves getting pretty damn tired of eating off Chinet plates and drinking champagne out of out of Dixie cups.
     Now, it's pretty easy for conservatives to slam Mr. Obama. It's about as easy as tripping a bratty three-year-old running down a sidewalk. And actually, it's more fun though less effective. Tripping a toddler who has the intention of running out into the street in the path of a steam roller saves a rotten kid. Criticizing the president, no matter what one's C.V. are results in ---- nothing. The man is, to use the title of Eric Hoffer's book, A True Believer. And what he believes in is nothing greater than himself. He believes in himself in the same way that a sociopath does while ruining a company so he can sell off the components make make more money while throwing many men and women out of work. He really seems to believe that he is greater than the nation that he is supposed to lead. He is greater than the traditions (though crumbling they have become) of the nation. He is greater than the evidences of history (when one directs the arc of history that means that history means nothing). He is greater than the Constitution. He is just plain damn great. Maybe even greater than Jesus Christ, or according to some people, greater than the awful Arab Mohammed. Well, everyone is entitled to their madness. Except when one's madness is forced upon other people. In this case, the American people.
     Really, the man should have made his career in academia as an instructor or professor where he could dazzle guilt-ridden coeds and beta males with his "genius." There he could gas on and on and on and only infect and effect, at the most, a few thousand people instead of ruining things for millions and changing the course of the nation.
     Let us take a look at a few instances of the madness that Our Dear Leader has foisted upon us:
     The President said that he was going to Reset our relations with Russia. He's done so. But not in the way that he thought. Obama has talked and talked and talked apparently with the understanding that talk solves problems. Meanwhile, Putin, the awful bastard that he is, has acted making Obama and the United States look like weak sisters or sissy boys. Putin is riding a Clydesdale. Obama is playing with his My Little Pony toys.
     The President, being the multi-racial and internationalist that he is, has decided that massive illergal immigration from Latin America is a good thing. It will make us a more "diverse" and "stronger" nation. The result? More people who don't peak English on state aid, welfare, food stamps and taking jobs that Americans would like to at an honest wage being supported by "old stock" Americans. In other words, Americans and legal immigrants are slaves to those who have broken the law.
     The President, more than any other President in your faithful correspondent's memory, has worked to excite racial animus between whites and blacks. Every time a black kid or man is shot by a cop El Jefe comments about it and blames institutional racism. But if black cops shoot a white guy it's crickets. Blacks killing blacks equals silence. Because, to our dear leader, whites in power are evil while all blacks are innocent victims of the heritage of slavery despite the fact that none of his ancestors had been enslaved by the white devil.
     Our dear President prefers for the nation to accept Muslim "refugees" from the Middle East more than he does Christian Middle East refugees despite the fact that any person with a lick of logic knows that there is no such thing as a Muslim "refugee" from the Middle East. What one has are a bunch of young men and women of the Mohammedan faith who are no being persecuted by ISIS. They are really what ISIS wants. They are economic refugees looking for an easy life with a lot of the long green. And they, who claim that they are fleeing "oppression",  have no intention of becoming Americans. They want to be Muslims in the United States. Christians from the Middle East, are escaping persecution, and they have shown themselves, historically, more than willing to assimilate into the traditional American life. But, Obama, while not in fact (as many people believe) is not a real Muslim, he is, in fact, by his actions, an operational Muslim.
     The President is protected by men with guns. We, also, are protected by men with guns. The difference is that the men who protect Obama are only seconds away from him in the case of an emergency. We, on the other hand, have to wait for an average of something like ten minutes in order for our "protectors" to get to us. He has guns around him every minute of his day and will have until the day he dies. But he doesn't want you to have a gun because you're potentially damn crazy and/or dangerous. His life depends on seconds. Yours depends on ten minutes.
     The President is an operational idiot with dangerous delusions. You, dear reader, are not.
      How's that working out for you?

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